FEED Lab Application - Winter 2015

Offered through the FEED Collaborative, this graduate-level course combines experiential learning in human-centered design, systems thinking and social entrepreneurship. Students will learn and apply these skills to projects that may include: sustainable food and farming technology, disruptive models of production and distribution, food justice, and/or the behavioral economics of eating. Students will benefit from close interaction with the teaching team, working on a multidisciplinary team of their peers, support from industry-leading project sponsors, and the varied perspectives of guest speakers. The goal of this course is to develop the creative confidence of students and, in turn, to work collaboratively with thought leaders in the local food system to design innovative solutions to the challenges they face. Applications are due December 5th. Admitted students will be notified within a week.

    Basic Info

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    d.school Questions

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    Application Questions

    Please limit answers to 100 words or less.
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    Pledge of Commitment

    Admission to d.school classes is extremely competitive. For every seat, we have to turn away 2-4 students. Students who are admitted and enroll in a d.school class, and then later flake may have a hard time getting into subsequent classes.
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