Stanford University

Grants and Resources

CNPA Internship Grants

The California Newspaper Publishers Association (CNPA) Foundation offers internship grants to worthy college students dedicated to pursuing careers in California newspapers in the fields of journalism, advertising and marketing. Winning applicants for these grants are required to obtain and serve a summer internship at a CNPA-member newspaper in California in order to receive their grant award.

For application information, please visit the CNPA Foundation website at:

Links to Job and Internship Sources

For communication related internship information consider attending the following:

  • Media Internship Info Session – TBD (usually early Fall Quarter)
    RSVP to the Student Services Manager
  • Annual Rebele Journalism Internship Luncheon – Winter Quarter 2015, exact date TBD
    For more information email the Student Services Manager

For non-communication related opportunities, such as political internship postings, please go to Stanford’s Career Development Center. For excellent, searchable database of job and internship listings check out MonsterCollege

General Information

Broadcast & Film

Newspaper and Magazine

You may always send unsolicited resumes (with an explanatory cover letter) to papers that interest you. This method works best with smaller papers. If you are hired at a weekly or a community paper, you may be eligible for funding through the Rebele Program.

Find newspapers’ addresses on their websites: