0.1 Updates, Additions and Deletions





RPH 16.4 Subrecipient Monitoring

6/16/2015 Updated section 5.3 to include PI signature requirement effective September 1, 2015.

RPH Chapter 16 Subawards


Updated to include references to the Uniform Guidance.

RPH 14.1 Preparation, Review, and Submission of Sponsored Project Proposals

3/26/2015 Revised information on the proposal submission deadline.
RPH 2.1 Principal Investigator Eligibility and Criteria for Exceptions 2/19/2015

 The Senate of the Academic Council approved a policy to allow the director of SLAC to approve SLAC distinguished and senior staff scientists to be principal investigators (PIs) on non-Department of Energy-funded research proposals.

RPH 2.1 Principal Investigator Eligibility and Criteria for Exceptions


¶P 2. A. 4 Pending Appointments for New Faculty

Faculty whose appointment start date is in the future may apply for proposals but an award cannot be accepted until the appointment has begun.

RPH 3.1 Preparation and Submission of  Proposed Budgets



¶P 3. A. Voluntary Cost Sharing

Propose cost sharing on federal proposals with the understanding it will not be part of the merit review unless stated in the solicitation.

¶P6. Budget Justification

Propose administrative/clerical salaries that are integral to the project and detail benefit in the budget justification.

RPH 3.3 Special Requirements Related to Sponsor Notifications and Prior Approvals


¶P 1. A Changes in PI Status

Recognizes that a PI can be absent from campus and remain engaged in the project

RPH 14.1 Preparation, Review, and Submission of Sponsored Project Proposals




¶P 2. Submitting Proposals

Added information about the SOM Policy on proposal submission timeline.

¶P 2 B. Budget Justifications

Propose administrative/clerical salaries that are integral to the project and detail benefit in the budget justification.

RPH 14.2 Academic Policies Pertaining to Sponsored Project Proposals


¶P 4. Presence at Stanford

Recognizes that a PI can be absent from campus and remain engaged in the project.

RPH 14.3 University Commitments Pertaining to Sponsored Project Proposals



¶P 5. Participation by Faculty or Staff from Multiple Departments

Deleted entire paragraph requiring the Department Head and Dean's Office must approve participation of faculty or staff in sponsored projects outside their own academic department or School via the PDRF.


RPH 15.1 Facilities & Administrative (Indirect Cost) and Fringe Benefits Rates



MTDC is the base to which F&A (indirect cost) rates are applied. The Uniform Guidance now excludes participant support costs from the MTDC base. Participation support cost are not subject to F&A costs for federal projects. Non- federal projects participant support costs are subject to F&A. Once an award is made use expenditure type 52436 for participant support costs for all sponsored projects awarded on or after December 26, 2014 that are subject to the Uniform Guidance.

RPH 15. 3 Cost Sharing Policy


¶P 1. C. Voluntary Cost Sharing

Cost sharing on federal proposals will not be a factor during the merit review of a proposal except when allowed in the program announcement.

¶P 3. B  Facilities and Administrative Costs (Indirect Costs)

For federal awards, unrecovered indirect costs on cost sharing may be included as part of cost sharing only with prior approval of the federal sponsoring agency.

¶P 5. Source of Funds for Cost-Shared Expenditures

In the School of Medicine, neither operating budget nor designated clinic accounts can be used for this purpose.

15.4 Charging for Administrative and Technical Expenses



¶P 3.  Uniform Guidance Implementation

Follows the Uniform Guidance concept administrative salaries that are integral to the project.

4. OMB Circular A-21  Implementation

Follows the A-21 concept of major project or activity.

1.2 Rights and Responsibilities in the Conduct of Research 12/15/2014 Updates section 4, Proposal Preparation 
3.2 Fiscal Responsibilities of the PI: Management of Project Expenditures 12/15/2014 Updates section 8, Charging Proposal Expenses to Ongoing Projects

13.4 Establishment of Industrial Affiliates and Related Membership-Supported Programs

9/23/2014 The changes clarify Affiliate Program policies, particularly in the area of the minimum requirements for website content.  A new requirement is that, in order to remain active, affiliates programs must submit a form each year with information about program operations. The Industrial Affiliates Program Approval and Renewal Form must be filled in, signed and emailed ICO by October 15 of each  year, beginning October 15, 2014.  Programs in compliance with the policies will be approved for active operations in the subsequent fiscal year.
5.2 Federal-Wide Assurance for Protection of Human Subjects 8/6/2014

Changed to accommodate the name change of the VA’s Palo Alto Institute for Research and Education (PAIRE) to Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research (PAVIR). Also update PAVIR Assurance.


3.2 Management of Project Expenditures

3/31/2014 Updated to include the new requirement for Annual Payroll Distribution review and certification
15.5 Salary Cap Administration 2/11/2014 Updated to include the FY 2014 NIH Salary cap ($181,500)

4.7 Institutional Conflict of Interest in Research Involving Human Subjects

2/07/2014 Updated key elements
3.2 Management of Sponsored Projects 10/16/2013 Changes review requirement for expenditure statement (RM 149) to quarterly
9.2  Attachment A to  Statement on Teaching and Outside Activities 10/1/2013 Provides guidance to the university  in the areas of
educational technology and its use both on-campus and off.
4.2 PHS and NSF Requirements Regarding Financial Disclosures and Agency Notifications 10/1/2013 Institutional Review of COI disclosures, requirements for the University tp provide information to the NIH
4.1Attachment B

Faculty Investment in Stanford Student Companies

9/18/2013 Q&A on Faculty Investment in Stanford Student Companies

5.2 Federal-wide Assurance for Protection of Human Subjects

9/4/2013 FWA for Protection of Human Subjects Updated                                  


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