Tools and Checklists

Stanford provides a range of informational and web-based resources on both general and specialized topics related to export controls.


Questions about this topic can be answered by:

Eisner, Steven Brian

Director of Export Compliance and University Export Control Officer

Vice Provost and Dean of Research

(650) 724-7072

General Tools and Checklists

The following are important resources in the general area of export controls. They will help to introduce the topic, as well as provide the information needed in specific situations.

Export Controls "Quick Guide"

The lookup table found here provides easy-to-read export control steps and FAQ's associated with international travel, hiring, confidentiality agreements and shipping at Stanford.

Restricted Party Screen

Certain organizations and individuals are subject to financial and trade restrictions under US law. These restrictions apply to both domestic and foreign transactions. The screening tool available in the column to the right will permit you to quickly check and document whether a person or organization is a US Government restricted party.

Openness in Research Checklist

A reminder of what to look for whenever program solicitations or awards, MTAs, Licensing Agreements, NDAs, or any other documents include clauses that pertain to confidentiality, publication restrictions, or limits on foreign national participation in the conduct of research. This checklist can be found in the Related Items section below.

Export Control Basics Training

ORA-1130 is a brief, 30 minute introductory export control training course tailored to the Stanford community.

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Specialized Topics

The following topics all have particular ramifications related to export controls. Individuals working at Stanford in these areas need to review the guidance provided on these pages.

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"Tangible" (Physical) Exports

Although Stanford-generated information is covered by the "fundamental research exclusion," its tangible products (hardware, software on media, equipment, components, etc.) are not. For this reason, international tangible exports must always be reviewed for export control. These tangible shipments must also be documented so that Stanford may demonstrate its export control due diligence.

The links below can help in situations when a tangible item is being sent, or is being hand-carried, outside of US borders.

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Sample Letters and Clauses for Faculty, Students, and Staff

Downloadable letters and agreement language can be found below in Related Items section  and can be used by faculty, students, and staff at Stanford in situations where correspondence is needed to document Stanford's exclusion from, or adherence to, US export control regulations.

Fundamental Research Letter

This letter will be of assistance for international travel by Stanford foreign national researchers from countries for which stringent visa export control reviews are required.  The letter should be shown to US consular officers at the time of visa submission.   The letter documents that research performed at Stanford is categorized as unrestricted "fundamental research" and thus outside the scope of U.S export controls.

To obtain a signed letter from Stanford's Export Control Officer, the international traveler's faculty advisor must email the Director of Export Compliance ( and introduce the request in the body of the email.  The email must also include as an attachment a completed fundamental research letter template.  That template is available by clicking the "Fundamental Research Letter" heading above. 

Disposal or Loan of Stanford Property Outside of the US

For Stanford PIs with foreign research collaborators, this letter must be used when tangible property under Stanford ownership or custodianship is to be loaned or disposed of (sold, transferred, or donated) abroad.  The letter must also be used for Stanford property already resident abroad and not under Stanford's direct control that is to be transferred to a third country.

Suggested language for Contracts and Grants

Wherever possible, proposals for contracts or subcontracts should include this paragraph. The clause not only advises the sponsor of our policies related to openness and nondiscrimination, but it also incorporates that information by reference in final contracts.

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Other DoR Export Control Office Partners

Other Stanford Export Control Partners:

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