Creativity and Innovation

Becoming Mindful Innovators

Winter 2015
Tue/Thu 10:00a – 11:50a
Studio 2
MS&E 277
3-4 Units
Letter Grade
Launched 2001

This course is for you if you want to:

  • Explore and expand your identity as a creative individual, and increase your capacity to work in and lead teams and organizations looking to foster a culture of innovation.

  • Be part of an experiential learning community of students from diverse backgrounds coming together to tackle real-world problems through design thinking.

  • Sharpen your skills for creative collaboration by working on 2 team projects, one of which will be sourced from the interests of the students in the class.

  • Connect with fantastic resources. In addition to your peers and the teaching team, you will work with guest experts and we will be visiting Bay Area companies/organizations.

Enrollment limited to 32 students. Undergraduate and graduate students encouraged to apply.

Teaching Team
Leticia Britos Cavagnaro – & National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter)
Maureen Carroll – Graduate School of Education & Lime Design
Frederik G. Pferdt – Google
Rich Cox – Graduate School of Business & People Rocket
Maryam Lucia Attai (your experience assistant!) – Graduate School of Education


Creativity and Innovation