Designing Banking and Payment Solutions for Mobile Users on Low-End Smartphones

Spring 2015
Mon. Apr 20, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Tues. Apr 21, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Wed. Apr 22, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Studio 1

Assisted by a steep drop in smartphone prices at home and in emerging markets around the world, students will explore how to empower new low-end smartphone users by creating savings and payment solutions for people who previously have not had access to electronic banking.

In a series of 2.5 hour workshops across three consecutive days, students will apply their existing skills to understand user challenges; design simple services for low-end smartphones; and gain feedback in the field from prospective users.

Students should have previous experience with design thinking and be interested  in understanding the needs of new mobile users on low-end smartphones who would benefit from including mobile banking solutions in their lives.

Accepting 20 students. Open to graduate and undergraduate students. Application deadline is Wednesday, March 18th at 11:59pm. Apply here.

Teaching Team
Peter Scanlon, VP New Initiatives, Mozilla
Jan Chipchase, Founder, Studio D Radiodurans
Caneel Joyce,
