
The d.school fellows program was redesigned in 2012 as a creative leadership accelerator for early- to mid-career professionals to create transformative change. The fellows program is currently overseen by a team of four.

Justin Ferrell leads the fellows in their day-to-day activities, designing and connecting the overall program and supporting the fellows throughout the year. Susie Wise, director of the d.school K-12 Lab Network, works closely with a portion of the  fellows cohort on projects specific to K-12 innovation and design. Meanwhile, in her capacity as managing director of the d.school, Sarah Stein Greenberg shapes how the fellows program integrates into our community’s day-to-day activities and goals. Emi Kolawole, the editor-in-residence at the d.school, oversees the whiteboard blog and the chronicling of the design thinking process as undertaken by this year’s cohort.