In the Heart of Social Movement

Weekend Workshop
Oct. 11, 9:00a – 5:00p
Oct. 12, 10:00a – 4:00p
Studio 2
0 Units

What lies within the heart of a social movement? How can we become a social movement? How are we moved? How do we move others? What does it mean to be socially moving?

To answer these questions in this post design*, workshop, we will explore embodied improvisation, intuitive and implicit interaction, and relational design thinking guided by the Chocolate Heads performance-marking process.

What new ways can we relate to one another? Experiential inquiry into concepts of social accupressure, viewing the view, opening to other’s realities, appreciation of tacit knowledge and mining social knots begin to lead the way.

Expect to engage with dialogue, intuition, participatory design, artistic intervention, performance co-creation and charrettes to drive the shift in perspectives on social movements.

What is created in this workshop will directly seed this year’s Chocolate Heads’ performance, that is aimed at shifting perspectives of social movement.

As well, expect a Sunday get-together (after sleeping on our discoveries!) & daytime dance party to dance out insights!

* Term used by Liz Sanders

Enrollment limited to 20 students. Applications close Sep. 23 @ 11:59pm. Apply here:

Teaching Team
Aleta Hayes, Theater & Performance Studies
Elena Perez, eatbigfish
Patricia Griffin, at-the-moment
Wendy Ju, Center for Design Research


In the Heart of Social Movement