Needfinding in the Wild

Friday Mornings
Nov. 7, 14, 21
10:00a – 1:00p
Concept Car
0 Units

Are you looking to elevate your empathy and synthesis skills? Are you curious about pursuing a career in the user research domain and want to begin to develop an expertise?

As the starting place for all user-centered design and innovation, needfinding (also known as empathy and synthesis or user research) is easy to get started with, and deceptively hard to master. The only way to get better at it is to do it, and the best way to do it is in the wild.

The three sessions of Needfinding in the Wild will take place in the field, with each session focused on building specific needfinding skills:

Session 1 – The lost art of observation
Session 2 – A trifecta of synthesis tools
Session 3 – Build your own needfinding toolkit, literally

Enrollment limited to 20 students. Applications close Sep. 23 @ 11:59pm. As an advanced course, we are seeking students that have some prior experience with empathy or needfinding in a design thinking context. Please make sure to note this experience on the application form. Apply here:

Teaching Team
Michael Barry, Product Design
Carissa Carter,
+ World Class Coaches
