Scaling Design, Thinking Globally

Winter 2015
Sun. Jan 25, 9:00a-5:00p 
Mon. Jan 26, 1:00p-3:15p 
Fri. Jan 30, 1:00p-3:15p 
Mon. Feb 2, 1:00p-3:15p 
Fri. Feb 6, 1:00p-3:15p
Mon. Feb 9, 1:00p-3:15p
Fri. Feb 13, 1:00p-3:15p 
Studio 2

Are you excited and inspired about design thinking? Are you ready to make a difference at a global scale? Driving design thinking in global organizations is extremely challenging in many ways. Geographically distributed teams pose a particular challenge since many design thinking techniques assume that team members are in the same location. Though it requires more effort, this can be done effectively. This hands-on course will seek to design ways in which large organizations can implement and adopt a design thinking mindset.

Students are expected to come to this class with a basic understanding of and practice with design thinking.

Enrollment limited to 8-10 graduate students. Apply here with the Pop-Up common application.

Teaching Team
Sam Yen, Chief Design Officer, SAP, fellow
Baba Shiv, Professor of Marketing, GSB
Ward Bullard, SAP
Alex Scully, Experience Assistant,

