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Advancing the Culture of Safety

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Working Outdoors in the Heat - Updated guidance reflecting newly revised Cal/OSHA requirements (May 2015)

Lab Coat Laundering: See Stanford University's non-exclusive Cintas Merchandising and Pricing Agreement

EH&S Programs and Services

A report of the Task Force for Advancing the Culture of Laboratory at Stanford University

The University Committee on Health and Safety’s (UCHS) Task Force for Advancing the Culture of Laboratory Safety at Stanford University is pleased to announce the availability of the Advancing Safety Culture in the University Laboratory Report. A robust and positive laboratory safety culture is critical to maintaining, supporting and advancing the research excellence at Stanford. This report is the culmination of a year’s worth of discovery and evaluation of Stanford’s research laboratory safety culture. It provides findings and recommendations the Task Force believes will contribute to further development and advancement of a strong, positive laboratory culture at Stanford University.

While the report is focused on laboratory safety, it is envisioned as the first step in what will be an intensive - and ongoing - effort to further develop a positive culture of health and safety throughout the entire Stanford campus and community.

To review the full report click here.

To learn more about the Task Force and Advancing the Culture of Safety click here.

For information on the University Committee on Health and Safety (UCHS) click here.

Available EH&S resources and programs to get ready for the next "Big One"

The 25th anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake and the recent Napa Earthquake on August 24 reminds us all of our responsibilities to proactively prepare for the next "Big One" - the 6.5 magnitude or above event that is expected in this area in the next 30 years. As your campus partner in safety, EH&S is here to provide the latest safety resources, programs and planning tools to help you prepare - and mitigate - the effects of a major quake.

PrepareSU | Business Continuity & Planning - To schedule a consultation:

ProtectSU | Seismic Restraints for Valuable Research Equipment - For information click here.

Staff & Employee Earthquake Preparedness - For programs and classes click here.

Emergency Response Guide for Faculty & Staff click here.

Stanford University Earthquake Information click here.


Stanford University Guidelines for Travel to and from West Africa countries - Ebola Outbreak Impact

Stanford University's Infection Control Working Group has been monitoring the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease and issued guidelines on Aug. 12th, 2014 for faculty, staff, and students planning to travel to, or returning from, travel to Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and other countries in proximity to the current Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. For information regarding the University's recommendations for those needing to travel to areas of West Africa, and procedures for monitoring travelers' health upon their return to the Stanford community click here.


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