BERC Poster Competition

Does your research relate to energy and do you want a chance to win part of a $10,000 research poster prize pool while enjoying free food and beverages?

The 2013 UC Berkeley Innovation Expo is accepting submissions for this year’s poster session. The Innovation Expo provides exposure for the Bay Area’s latest energy and resources breakthroughs in the fields of science, engineering, policy, and economics.

Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Time: 6:00 – 9:30 p.m.

Location: Memorial Stadium Field House, Berkeley, CA

“How do I apply?”: RSVP & submit an abstract with

  • Your name
  • Project title
  • 150-word abstract
  • A list of project keywords
  • 140-character “twitter abstract”

By Friday, September 27th to the email:

Space is limited, so submit your abstract soon! For more information: visit or see BERC Call for Posters