Archive for Issue 4

Millennial Mobility Preferences: Good News for Sustainable Transportation

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Lucian Go For a printable version of this article, click here. It no longer takes a transportation planner to see the shift occurring in the travel habits of the millennial generation, which is the largest and most diverse in American history. Born between 1982 and 2003, millennials are driving less, walking and biking more, […]

Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand – A Solution for Sustainable Urban Personal Mobility

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Rick Zhang For a printable version of the article, click here According to the United Nations, the world population living in urban areas will double by 2050, with most of the urbanization occurring in the developing regions of Asia and Africa. Meanwhile, private car ownership continues to skyrocket, causing traffic congestion and pollution in […]

Sustainable Biofuels: The Leading Edge of Sustainable Transport

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Gerard Ostheimer For a printable version of this article, click here. Transportation accounts for approximately 20% of total global energy demand; therefore, de-carbonizing the transportation sector is fundamental to reducing global demand for fossil fuels. Fortunately, the international community is starting to act on the need for sustainable energy. UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon […]

Renewable Fuel Standard: Driving Change or Maintaining Status Quo?

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Adam Christensen For a printable version of this article, click here. It is said that you should never discuss religion and politics in polite company, but sometimes I feel like this saying should be never discuss religion, politics and biofuels in polite company. In the best situations, when I say that I work on […]

The Simple Power of the Bicycle

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Leah Shahum For a printable version of this article, click here. Let’s be honest: The facts and figures about the threat of global warming can be overwhelming, so much so that it is common for people to feel paralyzed by inaction when they hear climate change warnings. They may be left to wonder “Well, […]

Driving into an Age of Increasing Oil Freedom

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Deron Lovaas For a printable version of this article, click here. We are living in exciting times when it comes to the nation’s oil and energy dependence. You could call this era the age of increasing oil freedom. From the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s the U.S. used and imported more oil every year, but […]

The Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated – An Internal Combustion Engine’s Story

26 January 2014 | Issue 4

By: John Fyffe For a printable version of this article, click here. Why aren’t IC engines a thing of the past?             Internal combustion (IC) engines have been around for more than 150 years and helped usher in the industrial age.  With the rapid change of technology in the world today, one might suspect that […]

Sustainable Air Travel for a Carbon-Free Future

26 January 2014 | Issue 4

By Michael Colonno and Juan J. Alonso For a printable version of this article, click here. Commercial aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions and yet a critical component of the global economic infrastructure. A recent report, co-authored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, forecasts global carbon dioxide emissions due to […]

Rail Transportation and Energy Efficiency

26 January 2014 | Issue 4

By Richard Frank For a printable version of this article, click here. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is the state agency responsible for planning, designing, building and operating the first high-speed rail system in the nation. As a member of the Authority’s Board of Directors, I’m pleased to provide an update on the project’s […]

Fuels for Fresh Air

26 January 2014 | Issue 4

Diane Wu in conversation with Mark Jacobson For a printable version of the article, click here. As you read this, chances are the air that you’re breathing contains thousands of particles per cubic centimeter. The air and atmosphere that surrounds us is a dynamic and largely invisible landscape that is shaped by many factors, including […]