Earth Systems Program

The Earth Systems Program is an interdisciplinary environmental science major. Students learn about and independently investigate complex environmental problems caused by human activities in interaction with natural changes in the Earth system. Earth Systems majors become skilled in those areas of science, economics, and policy needed to tackle the globe?s most pressing environmental problems, becoming part of a generation of scientists, professionals, and citizens who approach and solve problems in a new way: a systematic, interdisciplinary way.
For students to be effective contributors to solutions for such problems, their training and understanding must be both broad and deep. To this end, Earth Systems students take courses in the fundamentals of biology, calculus, chemistry, geology, and physics, as well as economics and policy and statistics. After completing breadth training, they concentrate on advanced work in one of five focus areas: biology, energy, environmental economics and policy, land management, or oceanography. Tracks are designed to support focus and rigor but include flexibility for specialization. Examples of specialized focus have included (but are not limited to) the following: environment and human health, sustainable agriculture, energy economics, sustainable development, business and the environment, and marine policy. Along with formal course requirements, Earth Systems students complete a 9-unit (270-hour) internship. The internship provides a hands-on academic experience working on a supervised field, laboratory, government, or private sector project.

The following is an outline of the sequential topics covered and skills developed in this major:

Fundamentals: The Earth Systems Program includes courses that describe the natural workings of the physical and biological components of the Earth as well as courses that describe the human activities that lead to change in the Earth system. Training in fundamentals includes introductory coursework in geology, biology, chemistry, physics and economics. Depending on the Earth Systems track chosen, training may also include introduction to the study of energy systems, microbiology, oceans, or soils.

System Interactions: Focus in these courses is on the fundamental interactions among the physical, biological, and human components of the Earth system. The dynamics of the interplay between natural variation and human-imposed influences must be understood to achieve effective solutions to environmental problems.
Earth Systems courses that introduce students to the dynamic and multiple interactions that characterize global change problems include Introduction to Earth Systems (EARTHSYS 10), Biology and Global Change (EARTHSYS 111), and Human Society and Global Change (EARTHSYS 112).
Competence in understanding system-level interactions is critical to development as an Earth Systems thinker, so additional classes that meet this objective are excellent choices as electives.

Skills Development: Students take skills courses that help them to recognize, quantify, describe, and help solve complex problems that face society.

Field and laboratory methods can help student to recognize the scope and nature of environmental change. For example, training in satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems allows students to monitor and analyze large-scale spatial patterns of change. It is either required or recommended for all tracks. Field Studies in Earth Systems, EARTHSYS 189, is also strongly recommended.
Quantification of environmental problems requires training in single and multi-variable calculus, linear algebra, and statistics. Training in statistics is specific to the area of focus: geostatistics, biostatistics, econometrics.

Success in building workable solutions to environmental problems is critically linked to the ability to effectively communicate data, ideas, and results. Writing intensive courses (WIM) help students to communicate complex concepts to expert and non-expert audiences. All Stanford students must complete one WIM course in their major. The Earth Systems WIM course is EARTHSYS 260. Other Earth Systems courses also focus on effective written and oral communication and are strongly recommended.

Effective solutions to environmental problems take into consideration natural processes as well as human needs. Earth Systems emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary analysis and implementation of workable solutions through the required 9-unit internship (EARTHSYS 260) and knowledge synthesis in the Senior Seminar (EARTHSYS 210).

A comprehensive list of environmental courses, and advice on those that focus on problem solving, is available in the program office.

The Earth Systems Program provides an advising network that includes faculty, staff, and student peer advisers.