Solar Car Project

Founded in 1989, the Stanford Solar Car Project is an entirely student-run, non-profit organization fueled by its members? passion for environmentally sustainable technology. We provide a unique opportunity for Stanford students to gain valuable hands-on engineering and business experience while raising community awareness of clean energy vehicles. The team generally operates on a two-year design and build cycle and enters the finished car in a cross-continental solar race.

Members usually join SSCP as undergraduates with little to no engineering background and gradually build their knowledge while working on a vehicle. Coordinating a project of this magnitude also requires considerable management and planning, allowing students to develop these vital business skills in an engineering environment. With this approch, the team has fostered eight generations of award-winning vehicles, proving that a hands-on education in creative design and execution produces impressive results.

Members who graduate from SSCP go on to work with some of the most cutting-edge technologies and firms today, such as Tesla Motors, Nanosolar Inc, and other companies they had encountered through the SSCP as undergrads. Even in fields as diverse as cancer therapeutics research and software marketing former team members are at work, leveraging many skills they first developed working with SSCP