Stanford Energy Journal – Issue 1: Nuclear Energy

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April 2012
Introduction: Nuclear Energy Post-Fukushima
American Nobel Prize-winning physicist Burton Richter introduces the first edition of the Stanford Energy Journal with a word on the state of nuclear power today.
Burton Richter
New Strategies for Public Engagement
Negative public perception of nuclear power may require a new method of public engagement in order for nuclear to gain steam.
Megan Guy
Small Modular Reactors: A Potential Game-changing Technology
Small Modular Reactors, with lower capacities and much lower capital costs, could represent a profound change in the way we look at nuclear energy.
William Madia
“The Nuclear Renaissance” Opportunity: Lost, or Found?
Jim Rogers, CEO of Duke Energy, discusses the global rush to nuclear and why the United States should not hesitate to jump on the bandwagon.
Jim Rogers
Lessons Learned and Game Changers
The future of nuclear energy is unsure, but Stanford professor Michael May attempts to forecast a few “game changers.”
Michael May
China: World’s Most Ambitious Nuclear Program
China plans to help support its rapidly growing economy with an aggressive nuclear energy portfolio, but lacks any official nuclear safety laws.
George Frampton
Financing Nuclear Power in the US
While attractive from an energy standpoint, many features of modern nuclear projects present significant financing risk.
Kassia Yanosek
Multi-Generational Warning Signs
Stanford student Charles Dunn discusses the evolution of the infamous radiation warning sign, as well as what should be done with toxic nuclear waste.
Charlie Dunn
Fusion: The Ultimate Energy Source
Power from nuclear fusion may sound like science fiction, but breakthroughs could be much closer than previously estimated.
Stephen Dean
Taiwan’s Nuclear Beach
Stanford student Brenda Ou discusses the effect of Taiwan’s Kenting nuclear plant on the environment, surroundings, and local economies.
Brenda Ou
Spent Nuclear Fuel in the United States France and Finland
Stanford student Ahmed Sharif analyzes the necessity of a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) containment facility, as more SNF is produced every year.
Ahmed Sharif
India Advances Thorium Breeding Technology
India is using an advanced, yet unconventional approach to increase their domestic generation of nuclear energy.
Koyel Bhattacharyya
The Energy Amplifier
Stanford student Nils Engelsen discusses a novel, wasteless type of nuclear reactor nicknamed the Energy Amplifier.
Nils Johan Engelsen
Fusion Disposal of Nuclear Waste
The fission-fusion hybrid reactor, first proposed in 1979, is an incredibly novel idea yet remains too impractical to implement.
Firas Abuzaid