Stanford Energy Journal – Issue 2: Natural Gas

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Nov 2012
Perspectives on U.S. Natural Gas Resources
Natural gas is cheap and plentiful, and is accelerating America’s path towards energy independence. Zachary Ming provides perspectives on the cleanest, most abundant fossil fuel resource in the United States. Written under the advisement of Pete Stark.
Embracing natural gas as a complex environmental asset
Mark C. Thurber discusses the the differing opinions about natural gas among the environmental community, as well as the resource’s complex environmental implications.
Mark thurber
managing the seismic risk posed by wastewater disposal
Mark Zoback gives a 5 step plan to manage and reduce the seismic risk associated with wastewater disposal from natural gas drilling.
Mark zoback
What We Know and Don’t Know on Methane Leakage from the Natural Gas Fuel Chain
Joel Swisher analyzes the indirect sources of greenhouse gas emissions due to natural gas production along its entire fuel chain.
Joel Swisher
Strong Regulation Key to Shale Development
Andre Peterhans, Manager of Strategic Planning at Chevron, delves into some of the regulatory implications for natural gas production in the future.
Andre Peterhans
From Shale Gas to LNG Exports: What Should America Do with its Natural Gas?
Susan Sakmar discusses the likelihood of the United States exporting natural gas due to high domestic production rates.
Susan Sakmar
Impact of Shale Gas on Water in the U.S.
The extraction of natural gas requires vast amounts of water, and the water becomes heavily polluted afterwards. Paul Vidal de la Blanch shows how natural gas production affects our water supply.
P. V. de la blachE
An Old Field Holds Lessons for Shale Gas Development
The rate of natural gas production from a specific well depends on numerous factors. Stanford student Kurt Wilson discusses the case of the Barnett Shale well, as well as some environmental consequences of fracking.
Kurt wilson
How Should We Manage Methane Emissions from Shale Gas?
Proponents of shale gas have proclaimed that it is a climate solution – our bridge to the energy future – but methane emissions from shale gas development could make it a bridge to nowhere.
Khalial Withen
Will China Repeat the North American Shale Miracle?
Stanford students Jonathan Strahl and Joe Chang examine whether China has the ability to replicate the successes North America has achieved in the production of shale gas.
Jonathan Strahl & Joe Chang
The Untold story of the frac hand
Stanford student Luis Rodriguez provides a look into the high-stress, action-packed life of the frac crew, the team behind the extraction process of natural gas fracking.
Luis Rodriguez
The Global Sour Gas Problem
Much like there are different grades of crude oil, there are different grades of natural gas. Stanford Ph.D. student Da Huo discusses the phenomenon of “sour gas”, natural gas mixed with impurities that are difficult to remove.
Da Huo
Political Economy of Natural Gas Market in India
Natural gas has the potential to be the transition fuel to a low carbon development path for India. Nikit Abyankar discusses how the resource entered India’s energy portfolio, and the role it may play in the future.
Nikit Abyankar
Hydraulic Fracturing, Air Pollution, and the Need to Federally Regulate the Natural Gas Industry
Due to both economic and environmental consequences of natural gas production and consumption, many are calling for the industry to be more heavily regulated.
Aviva reinfeld