Stanford Energy Journal – Issue 4: Sustainable Transportation

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Jan 2014
Highway at Dusk

Driving Into an Age of Increasing Oil Freedom
Why is U.S. oil consumption dropping every year? Deron Lovaas from the Natural Resources Defense Council examines the causes of this new era of oil consumption and the policies that can keep it going.
Deron Lovaas
Bike Commute in San Francisco
The Simple Power of the Bicycle
Can the bicycle be the catalyst to drive sustainability in urban transport? Leah Shahum from the SF Bike Coalition thinks yes.
Leah Shahum
The GM EN-V prototype
Autonomous Mobility-On-Demand – A Solution for Sustainable Urban Personal Mobility
Can current trends translate into a driverless, car-sharing future? Rick Zhang shares his thoughts.
Rick Zhang
Millenial Mobility Preferences – Good News for Sustainable Transport
Lucian Go from the Natural Resources Defense Council observes how the youngest demographic is changing the transportation landscape.
Lucian Go
Public transit in Washington DC.

Sustainable Biofuels: The Leading Edge of Sustainable Transport
Gerard Ostheimer shares the efforts of the Sustainable Energy 4 All initiative to promote biofuels adoption.
Gerard Ostheimer
Sustainable Energy 4 All

Renewable Fuel Standard: Driving Change or Maintaining Status Quo?
Adam Christensen shares his thoughts on the Renewable Fuel Standard’s role in developing the biofuels economy.
Adam Christensen
Biofuels at the pump

Sustainable Air Travel for a Carbon-Free Future
Commercial aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions and yet a critical component of the global economic infrastructure. Michael Colonno explains future sustainable options.
Michael Colonno and Juan J. Alonso
Sustainable Aviation

Fuels for Fresh Air
In conversation with Diane Wu, Mark Jacobson explains how reducing vehicle emissions with alternative fuels will have us all breathing easier.
Diane Wu and MArk Jacobson
Smog in San Fran

A Path Towards MORE Sustainable Personal Mobility
Sven Beiker explains the 21st century options for more sustainable vehicle travel, from electric vehicles to self driving cars.
Sven Beiker
Vehicles of the future

Emerging Technologies for the Future Automobile
Three new technologies have surfaced that may revolutionize the car of the future into a lighter, faster, and more sustainable model: natural gas, fuel cells, and carbon fiber.
Santiago Miret

The Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated – An Internal Combustion Engine’s Story
John Fyffe explains why internal combustion engines are still central in transportation tech today.
John Fyffe
Combustion Engine

High Speed Train

Rail Transportation and Energy Efficiency
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is the state agency responsible for planning, designing, building and operating the first high-speed rail system in the nation. Richard Frank provides an update on the project’s status and our plans for an energy-efficient transportation future
Richard Frank