Posts Tagged emissions

Driving into an Age of Increasing Oil Freedom

7 April 2014 | Issue 4

By Deron Lovaas For a printable version of this article, click here. We are living in exciting times when it comes to the nation’s oil and energy dependence. You could call this era the age of increasing oil freedom. From the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s the U.S. used and imported more oil every year, but […]

Fuels for Fresh Air

26 January 2014 | Issue 4

Diane Wu in conversation with Mark Jacobson For a printable version of the article, click here. As you read this, chances are the air that you’re breathing contains thousands of particles per cubic centimeter. The air and atmosphere that surrounds us is a dynamic and largely invisible landscape that is shaped by many factors, including […]

E360: Transportation Revolution

No Silver Bullet to Sustainable Transportation

24 November 2013 | News

It is projected that there will be two billion vehicles on the road worldwide by 2030. In some sense, what will constitute sustainable transportation at this scale seems quite clear: high efficiency, low-to-zero emission, and high accessibility are a few of the key areas for development. However, one point that was driven home at the Stanford Energy Club’s (SEC) Energy 360 speaker series is that … (click on header to read more)

Fracking produces fracwater, a toxic byproduct which is difficult to dispose of and can pollute groundwater

Embracing Natural Gas as a Complex Environmental Asset

26 November 2012 | Issue 2

Mark C. Thurber is the Associate Director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development. He discusses the the differing opinions about natural gas among the environmental community, as well as the resource’s complex environmental implications.