Posts Tagged EPA

Fracking produces fracwater, a toxic byproduct which is difficult to dispose of and can pollute groundwater

Embracing Natural Gas as a Complex Environmental Asset

26 November 2012 | Issue 2

Mark C. Thurber is the Associate Director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development. He discusses the the differing opinions about natural gas among the environmental community, as well as the resource’s complex environmental implications.

Fuel Chain GHG Emissions

What We Know and Don’t Know on Methane Leakage from the Natural Gas Fuel Chain

26 November 2012 | Issue 2

Dr. Joel Swisher, a Consulting Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, discusses the implications of continued emphasis on natural gas versus coal.

Given the potential economic and environmental consequences of natural gas production, many parties favor stringent regulation

Strong Regulation Key to Shale Development

26 November 2012 | Issue 2

Andre Peterhans, Manager of Strategic Planning at Chevron, delves into some of the regulatory implications for natural gas production in the future.

Methane emissions, like other greenhouse gases, are experiencing a worrisome upwards trend.

How Should We Manage Methane Emissions from Shale Gas?

26 November 2012 | Issue 2

Proponents of shale gas have proclaimed that it is a climate solution – our bridge to the energy future – but methane emissions from shale gas development could make it a bridge to nowhere.