

We welcome all qualified students to join our summer program. Admission for visiting (non-matriculated) students is handled by Stanford Summer Session and Stanford Summer College. Matriculated Stanford students (incoming & current) should enroll via Stanford's Axess system. In addition, all applicants should submit the SEWSS Registration Form.

In general, students should have current standing as an undergraduate or already possess an undergraduate degree. Stanford Summer College (High School) students are welcome to enroll in courses that are listed as open to undergraduate freshmen (consent of instructor will be required for most courses). Where applicable, solid background in college-level chemistry, biology, math and/or fluid mechanics are highly recommended. English language proficiency is also necessary.

sewss registration
Both Summer Visiting students and Stanford students are requested to submit the SEWSS Registration Form in order to communicate timely information and updates.


certificate program
Registered summer visitors successfully completing and earning C- letter-grade (1.7) or higher credit in each of three courses in this program are eligible for an SEWSS Program Certificate.

tuition & housing
Tuition rate and other fees for summer programs are published by the Stanford Summer Sessions office. On-campus summer housing may be available through the Stanford Housing Assignments office.

calendar 2015
Early January Summer Session Visitor Admissions begins (for non-matriculated students)
April 12 Axess Enrollment begins
June 21 Summer Session Orientation for Visiting Students
June 22 Classes begin
June 22 Preliminary Study List Deadline
June 26 Welcome Pizza Social
July 3 US Independence Day Holiday Observed - No classes
July 6 Final Study List Deadline
July 24 Term Withdrawal Deadline
July 31 Change of grading basis deadline.
July 31 Course withdrawal deadline.
August 13 Last day of classes
August 14-15 Exam period

Environmental Engineering & Science Program Office
Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building
473 Via Ortega, Room 254
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4020

Voice: (650) 725-2390
Fax: (650) 725-3164

useful links


Welcome | Overview
Are you pursuing an environmental discipline such as Environmental Science, Environmental Studies or Environmental Engineering? Or are you interested in adding an environmental emphasis to your specialty area such as Law, Chemistry, Biology, Business Development or Information Management? Build your environmental knowledge and expertise with the SEWSS program. Let us challenge and inspire you to deepen your knowledge and problem-solving skills so that you may uncover more opportunities for yourself. We seek students who are ready to share and discuss their perspectives and ideas in order to develop personal strengths and passions.

The Environmental Engineering program at Stanford University is recognized as the leading academic program in the environmental and water science and technology field, dedicated to the educational development of uncommon insight and expertise necessary for environmental leadership in all professional directions. Our 8-week summer program is an opportunity for enrichment through scholarly interaction, and focuses on strengthening knowledge about water and the environment with the goal of applications to problem-solving and R&D. Our course offerings include foundational as well as current and forward-looking topics that emphasize crtitical and innovative thinking.

getting started
STEP 1. Find Courses
Find the courses you are interested in from the list on this web site. Further details can be found at ExploreCourses. If you have any questions about the courses, feel free to contact us or the instructor.
STEP 2. Apply to Stanford
Summer Visitors should complete the online application for either Stanford Summer Session or Stanford Summer College. International visiting students are advised to apply early in order to complete student visa processing requirements. Incoming and current Stanford students can enroll in Axess starting April 12, 2015.
STEP 3. Register for SEWSS
Complete the SEWSS Registration Form in order to receive timely information and updates. Registering is especially essential for courses with limited enrollment.
STEP 4. Apply for Housing
If you would like to apply for on-campus housing for the summer, visit the Student Housing web site. Be sure to meet the housing application deadline.
STEP 5. Review the Stanford Honor Code
Students who are admitted as a Summer Visitor should, before arrival at Stanford, review the Stanford Honor Code. This policy reflects our expectation for ethical scholarly conduct.

CEE 70 Environmental Science & Technology
3 units; R. Kopperud
Introduction to environmental quality and the technical background necessary for understanding environmental issues, controlling environmental degradation, and preserving air and water quality. Material balance concepts for tracking substances in environmental and engineering systems.
CEE 73 Foundations of Water Science and Engineering
3 units; D. Fong, A. Pieja and A. Robertson
Water physics and chemistry shape our world. Without water there is no life, no biology. This class provides an introduction to these basic sciences as applied to water and considers how they interact to give water its critical role in the processes that sustain, and sometimes poison, our planet. We will explore both the natural world and the engineered systems critical to civilization. More info...
CEE 201S Science and Engineering Problem Solving with MatLab
3 units; D. Fong
Introduction to the application of MATLAB to solving problems in science and engineering. Emphasis on computational and visualization methods in the design, modeling and analysis of science and engineering problems. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 101S. Prerequisite: Calculus. More info...
CEE 207S Energy Resources: Fuels & Tools
3 units; K. Knapp and E. Grubert
Energy is a vital part of our daily lives. This course examines where that energy comes from, and the advantages and disadvantages across different fuels. Contextual analysis of energy decisions for transportation and electricity generation around the world. Energy resources covered include oil, biomass, natural gas, nuclear, hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, and emerging technologies. Prerequisites: Algebra. Note: May not be taken by students who have completed CEE 173A, CEE 207 or EARTHSYS 103. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 107S. More info...
CEE 265C Water Resources Management
3 units; A. Findikakis
Examination of the basic principles of surface and ground water resources management in the context of increasing water scarcity and uncertainty due to climate change and other factors. Specific topics include reservoir, river basin and aquifer management, conjunctive use of surface and ground water, and treated wastewater reuse. Special emphasis is placed on demand management through conservation, increased water use efficiency and economic measures. Besides the technical aspects of water management, an overview of its legal and institutional framework is provided. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 165C.
CEE 271F New Indicators of Well-Being & Sustainability
3 units; E. Laurent
Explore new ways to better measure human development, comprehensive wealth and sustainability beyond standard economic indicators such as income and GDP. Examine how new indicators shape global, national and local policy worldwide. Well-being topics include health, education, happiness, trust, inequality and governance. Sustainability topics include sustainable development, environmental performance indicators, material flow analysis and decoupling and inclusive wealth indicators. Students will build their own indicator of well-being and sustainability for a term paper. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 171F. More info...
CEE 275S Environmental Entrepreneurship & Innovation
2 units; B. Shelander, A. Robertson
Our current infrastructure for provision of critical services-clean water, energy, transportation, environmental protection; requires substantial upgrades. As a complement to the scientific and engineering innovations taking place in the environmental field, this course emphasizes the analysis of economic factors and value propositions that align value chain stakeholder interests. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 175S.
CEE 276S Instrumental Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment
3 units; A. Lin, N. Ismail, D. Lin
Introduction to the occurrence and behavior of trace organic compounds in the environment and focus on research approaches to investigate these compounds. Principles of analytical techniques and experimental approaches to detect and monitor trace organic contaminants in the environment will be examined. Students will critically review published original research and prepare an original research project proposal. CHEM 33 or equivalent organic chemistry recommended. Open to undergraduates (juniors and seniors only) as CEE 176S. Letter grading only. More info...
CEE 277L Smart Cities & Communities
2-3 units; P. Williams
The role of information technology (IT) in enabling mankind to improve the operations and sustainability of cities and communities. Review of what a "smarter" city or community might be, the role of IT in enabling them to become "smarter" (including what IT cannot achieve). Case studies on water, energy, transportation urban design and resilience. Additional project required for 3-unit credit option. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 177L. More info...
CEE 279S Seminar: Issues in Environmental Engineering, Science & Sustainability
1-2 units; A. Robertson
Invited faculty, researchers and professionals share their insights and perspectives on a broad range of environmental and sustainability issues. Students critique seminar presentations and associated readings. Open to Summer College students and undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as CEE 179S. S/NC grading only.

Is this program open to visitors (non-matriculated students)?
Yes, any summer visitor (graduate, undergraduate and high school) admitted by the Stanford Summer Session office is eligible to participate in the SEWSS program. Summer Visitor applicants should complete the Stanford Summer Sessions application form, and submit the SEWSS Registration Form. Stanford Summer College students may be eligible for courses open to freshmen pending consent of the instructor.
Is this program open to matriculated Stanford students?
Yes, matriculated Stanford students in any program may enroll in the SEWSS courses through Axess. New EES and EFMH students offered admission in Fall 2015 may have their offer adjusted to allow admission in Summer 2015 by contacting their Stanford program administrator.
Is this program open to undergraduate students?
This program is open to undergraduate students as well as graduate students. Undergraduate students may enroll in any of the courses with a course code of 199 or lower. An undergraduate student with outstanding academic records interested in a course with a course code in the range of 200 to 299 should seek the consent of the instructor before enrolling. Suitability of these courses may also depend on the number of courses in the course load.

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Friday, October 9 2015 09:59:27 AM PDT