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OB 209: Leadership Laboratory

In the Leadership Labs class we ask you to consider the question, "Why would someone follow YOU?" This is a course in which you consider what kind of leader you want to be, what kind of leader you are, and how to align your leadership behavior with you leadership goals. In this class you will have an opportunity to lead your squad and in doing so to discover your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Your will receive feedback about your approach to leadership and you will have opportunity to try out new skills and tools.nn nnThere are four components to the Labs course: a) skills workshops, b) squad development meetings, c) project work meetings, and d) the executive challenge. The skills workshops occur both in the first two weeks of the quarter and near the end of the quarter. In the workshops, your section will meet as a whole with your leadership coach (in the beginning of the quarter) or a faculty member (end of the quarter) to discuss solutions to common managerial and leadership dilemmas. The early workshops will give you some basic frameworks and tools for leading your squad during Autumn quarter and the later workshops will focus on transferring these tools and skills to the business context. The squad development meetings will occur during weeks 3-9 of the quarter. During these weeks your squad will meet to work on basic leadership challenges (e.g. managing conflict, assessing a team's progress). The squad development meetings include role-plays and group exercises designed to help you think more deeply about the dynamics in your workgroup and to allow you to practice and experiment with new ways of leading. Each session will be divided into two segments, and one squad member or your Fellow will be the leader for the segment. MBA1 squad members will rotate through the segment leader position. Your Fellow will also be present for these meetings in order to provide coaching to the leader and to the squad as whole. During weeks 3-9, you will also be required to meet with your squad once a week outside of class for project work meetings. In the project work meetings you will be working on your project for your Global class. For this class we require that you use a rotating leadership structure for those meetings so that you can further practice and learn about the effects of different approaches to leadership in the context of a real work project. Finally, the quarter culminates with the Executive Challenge in Week 10. The Executive Challenge will be an opportunity for you to further refine your leadership skills by engaging with alumni judges in role plays that test your ability to lead effectively. The alumni will provide you feedback and evaluate your performance.
Units: 2 | Grading: GSB Letter Graded
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