Stanford provides access to
required training through an interactive online tutorial, the CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Course in The
Protection of Human Research Subjects.
Completion of human subject training should be done by all staff working on a research project (all investigators and other study personnel, including all persons who are responsible for designing and/or conducting research, performing data analysis or reporting activities). It is suggested you take the CITI training before submitting your IRB protocol for approval.
Third party (subcontract) research personnel or consultants must comply with this education requirement as well. They may satisfy this requirement at their home institutions, provided that the IRB is assured of completion of the necessary training. A letter, certificate, or email notification by a representative from the home institution will satisfy this requirement.
Stanford users:
- Go to the CITI website to create a CITI account. You will be directed to the Stanford WebLogin - your SUNet ID and Password will be your CITI username and login information.
- Once logged in, you will be guided to your CITI Main Menu page, where you can choose courses and print completion reports.
Stanford users without a SUNet ID: Request a SUNet ID from your Stanford department, before starting CITI training.
VA users:
- Go to VA's CITI website login, and log in with your CITI username and password.
- Questions? Call VA
Research Administration at (650) 493-5000 x65354
- Using your Stanford email address ensures a link between your eProtocol application and the status of your training.
- From the drop-down menu “Participating Institutions”:
– select "Stanford University" if you are doing research at Stanford (University or Hospital & Clinics) or Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
– select "Palo Alto VA" from the “Veterans Affairs” menu if you are VA personnel
To complete the training you must pass all required modules for your Learner Group by gaining at least an 80% average on the module quizzes.
Questions? Email IRB Education
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You can view and print a copy of your completion certificate by logging into the CITI home page. At the "Learner's Menu" screen:
If under the Status heading it says "Passed", then click on the PRINT link under Completion Reports. This will display a table. Click “Print Completion Report” to print the certificate.
If under the Status heading it says "Not Started - Enter" or "Incomplete - Re-enter", click on Previous Coursework Completed link, then click on See Coursework Completed. When the table is displayed, click on the “Print Completion Report” link.
Selecting a Learner Group
There are eight Learner Groups to choose from, with each group reflecting a different research area of focus. Group descriptions are provided when you register for CITI. Choose a Learner Group that best reflects the your area of research and responsibilities.
Most investigators and staff fall into Group 1 or Group 2, depending on whether medical or nonmedical research is involved:
- Group 1 - for Medical Research Investigators and Staff, covers those conducting research at Stanford Hospital and Clinics or LPCH.
- Group 7 - if GCP is desired in addition to the medical research modules.
- Group 2 - for Non-medical Research Investigators and Staff (research conducted in the areas of Education, Psychology, Engineering, Law, Business, Sociology, etc).
Other groups are for IRB members (medical/non-medical), Institutional Officials and Research Compliance Office staff.
Can I complete this training in several sessions?
Yes, you can leave and come back to the site using your CITI username and password as often as necessary. All completed work is stored.
If you are an investigator and an IRB member:
Choose an IRB member group (not an investigator/staff group):
• Group 3 - if you are a member of a medical IRB.
• Group 4 - if you are a member of a non-medical IRB.
How often do I have to take this course to keep my training current?
Training is required every three years (two years for VA). You will need to access the CITI tutorial again to take the Refresher course, so make sure you record your username and password for future use. After the first training, you will be prompted 3 months before it expires to do the Refresher Course for that group.
What if I take my Refresher course 'early'?
When you take the Refresher course, your expiration date is three* years from date of completion.
Example: Your current expiration date is in June; CITI sends you an automated reminder three months before, in March.
If you take your Refresher course immediately (in March) your next expiration date will be three* years from March (not from June).
*two years for VA
What if I have forgotten my username or password?
Your SUNet ID and password are your CITI username and password.
What if I have more than one CITI Username?
If you have more than one CITI Username associated with your email addresses, you have more than one account. To merge your accounts, visit the CITI Support Center.
Other questions regarding CITI training?
Email IRB Education.