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Far-Ranging Support For Google’s China Move

Publication Date: 
January 15, 2010
The New York Times
Michael Wines

Visiting Professor Jonathan Zittrain is quoted in the New York Times on Google's public repudiation of censorship in China:

Google’s surprising decision this week to abandon cooperation with Chinese government censors — and, possibly, its four-year effort to do business here — is galvanizing an unusually broad coalition of foreigners who hope for a fresh chance to rein in the conduct of an emerging great power.

Most of those forces — from the American right and left, the business and technology communities and human-rights advocacy groups — are united by a belief that their concerns over China’s human-rights and free-speech constraints have been buried in a rush to online profit.


Jonathan Zittrain, a Harvard law professor and a founder of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, said that Google’s action had raised the ethical bar for foreign investors across China. “I think every major outside firm is clearly going to have to do a reality check with itself in the wake of the Google announcement,” he said.