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Gov. Quinn To Decide Fate Of Death Penalty In Illinois After Senate Votes To Ban It

Publication Date: 
January 12, 2011
Chicago Tribune
Ray Long, Todd Wilson and Ted Gregory

Professor and Director of the Mills Legal Clinic, Lawrence C. Marshall is quoted in the following article covering the Illinois moratorium on the death penalty and the upcoming decision by Governor Pat Quinn on the fate of capital punishment in Illinois. The Chicago Tribune reports:

Gov. Pat Quinn now has to decide the fate of the death penalty in Illinois, a state whose troubling record of condemning innocent men to Death Row put it at the center of the national debate over capital punishment.

The Democratic led state Senate on Tuesday approved legislation to end the death penalty in Illinois by a vote of 35-22, with two senators voting present. The House approved the measure a week earlier and now it's up to Quinn.


Lawrence Marshall, a Stanford University law professor who co-founded Northwestern University's Center on Wrongful Convictions, said the death penalty moratorium gave people time to judge the legal system without executions taking place.

"People begin to recognize one can have a very tough law enforcement system that doesn't involve execution," Marshall said.