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Lawsuit Aims To Overhaul Public School Funding

Publication Date: 
June 30, 2010
NBC Bay Area

The Youth and Education Law Project (YELP) of the Mills Legal Clinic at Stanford Law School is co-counsel with Bingham McCutchen in Robles-Wong v. California representing individual plaintiffs, including the named plaintiff Maya Robles-Wong. Under the direction of Professor Bill Koski, the Youth and Education Law Project provides Stanford Law students the opportunity to represent youth and families in special education and school discipline matters, community outreach and education, school reform litigation, policy research, and legal advocacy. This lawsuit asks the court to compel the State of California to align its school finance system—its funding policies and mechanisms—with the educational program that the State has put in place.

Professor Bill Koski appears on NBC Bay Area News to talk about the lawsuit:

We're on the case! Stanford Law School's Bill Koski tells us about Robles-Wong v. California, a major lawsuit claiming the way California funds its public schools violates our state constitution.