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New Collections Added to Stanford Digital Repository in June and July, 2013

High-volume book scanning lab

In June and July, approximately 30,000, images representing nearly 14,000 items were accessioned into the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR). These materials include about 12,000 images from the Revs collection, 128 additional books from the Stephen J Gould collection, 43 Inspector General semiannual reports to congress, and a particularly prized volume of the Talmud.

Inspector General semiannual reports to Congress

This collection contains Inspector General semiannual reports to Congress from several agencies (the State Department, Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Treasury Department, and Department of Energy). The volumes fill gaps in Stanford University Libraries' Federal Depository Library Program collection. These reports were added to the Stanford Digital Repository to assist a researcher in the law school looking to analyze 20 years worth of Inspector General reports from the listed agencies. Inspector Generals serve as agency watchdogs; they audit and investigate fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement within the parent agency. Inspector General reports are critical for the analysis of Executive agencies across the Federal government.
Added to SDR: 43 reports
Collection Contact: James Jacobs

State Legislative Rules

Any analysis of a law making body, be it Congress, a state legislature, or city council, requires one to have access to the body’s rules of procedure. The rules are the guide to how laws are created (or not). Researching legislative intent, knowing why a bill did or did not pass, is a very standard research question. The goal of this project is twofold; support research at Stanford University and make core legislative materials from Stanford's collection accessible online. These rules were scanned from the State Legislative Journals, Manuals, and Handbooks thus making it easier to conduct text mining and other research on this particular legislative publication type.
Added to SDR: 90 Objects
Collection Contact: Kris Kasianovitz

Revs Digital Library

In June and July the Revs Digitai Library made significant progress in it's ongoing efforts to ensure access and preservation of materials from the Revs Institute and the Revs Program at Stanford. The Institute, which is focused on the scholarly study of the automotive history, houses a library with over a million automobile-related items, including images, research books, ephemera, and specialized documents. The Revs Program at Stanford was established to promote a new trans-disciplinary field connecting the past, present and future of the automobile. More information is available in our blog post about the Revs Digital Library. The items added in the month of June and July are a continuation of the digitization efforts for this collection.
Added to SDR: 12,100 photos
Collection Contact: Scott George

Eliasaf Robinson Tel Aviv Collection

The Eliasaf Robinson Tel Aviv Collection is an eclectic mix of materials relating to the history of Tel Aviv. Included in the collection are unofficial census materials, advertisements from the 1920s and 1930s, maps and completion certificates for buildings constructed between 1935-1948, postcards, photographs, municipal documents, land deeds, visa and employment certification requests, flyers and publicity for cultural events, movie handbills before 1948, and business ads. The content added in June and July is primarily focused on movie posters.
Added to SDR: 45 objects
Collection Contact: Zachary Baker

Gaihozu Maps

Fifty-two additional "Gaihozu Maps" depicting Japan and territories outside of Japan (referred to as "Gaihozu") were added to SDR . Created between the Meiji era and the end of WWII, this collection is part of a world-wide effort to preserve this historically and scientific important set of materials. More information about this collection is available in The Stanford University Libraries Newsletter. Branner Library holds around 10,000 of these maps. This is a continuation of the digitization efforts for this collection.
Added to SDR: 52 additional maps
Collection Contact: Julie Sweetkind-Singer and Salim Mohammed

Jarndyce Single-Volume Nineteenth-Century Novel Collection

The nineteenth-century novel is one of the key areas of research and teaching for the English Department at Stanford, with many faculty and graduate students concentrating on this genre and time period. The Study for the Center of the Novel, which generates much dynamic discussion and scholarship on the form, came about due to the intense engagement with this seminal form at Stanford. The single-volume novel, of the type represented in this collection from Jarndyce, was a precursor to the form of the twentieth-century novel and novella.
Added to SDR: 97 novels

The Musical Acoustics Research Library (MARL)

MARL consists of an extensive collection of files compiled by or about many of the most prominent acousticians of our time. MARL was collected by the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) in conjunction with the Catgut Acoustical Society and several acousticians. The vast majority of the library content is available only in hardcopy form and requires scholars to make arrangements to visit Special Collections to view materials. This is part of an ongoing digitization effort of MARL materials.
Added to SDR: 19 items
Collection Contact: Jerry McBride

Stephen J Gould Rare Books

This project, focused on digitizing Gould's extensive holdings of rare books, is part of the Stephen Jay Gould Papers project that enables research and educational communities to discover and access this unique collection of materials. Stephen Jay Gould was a renowned evolutionary biologist, paleontologist, historian of science, educator, popular science author, polymath, and an enthusiastic collector. Books digitized under this project are also being sent to Google and will be visible in the Google Book Search. This is a continuation of the digitization efforts for this collection of 1,415 volumes totaling nearly 470,000 page images.
Added to SDR: 128 additional volumes
Collection Contact: John Mustain

Patron and Internal One-off Requests

Several patron-driven and SUL-interal requests for materials, often directly in support of scholarship or research, were accessioned into SDR. These materials cover a variety topics. Highlights include:

Introduction to PROLOG for linguists

Eight lectures on eight U-matic videocassettes comprise a full-length course presented at the 1987 Linguistic Institute held at Stanford University.
Added to SDR: 8 videos
Collection Contact: Daniel Hartwig


A very rare, fragile, and historically significant artistic and literary publication of the post-World War I avant-garde in Eastern Europe.
Added to SDR: 3 journals
Collection Contact: Zachary Baker

Four Early American Tune Books

Over the course of the 18th century, congregational singing in Protestant churches suffered a slow deterioration as European traditions and practices became increasingly removed from Colonial life. Around the turn of the century, a market for tune books, which included rudimentary music instruction and 3- and 4- part hymns, anthems, and other tunes, quickly developed. You can find out more about these items in Ray Heigemeir's blog post.
Added to SDR: 4 tune books
Collection Contact: Ray Heigemeir

Slavuta Talmud: Volume 8

A particularly prized volume from a rare set of the Talmud published in the city of Slavuta, Ukraine, in the early 19th century.
Added to SDR: 1 volume
Collection Contact: Zachary Baker

Inclusion in the Stanford Digital Repository ensures that these materials are available to researchers and scholars (while upholding appropriate access restrictions), now and in the future through a secure, sustainable stewardship environment. While many of these objects are already discoverable via SearchWorks others will get SearchWorks records in the coming months. All materials are currently available via the item’s PURL (a persistent URL which ensure that these materials are available from a single URL over the long-term, regardless of changes in file location or application technology).

Questions about the Stanford Digital Repository service should be directed to