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SDR Deposits of the Weeks: Catching up

Black Flag poster

Our blog series highlighting new materials deposited to the Stanford Digital Repository has been on a quasi-hiatus for the last few months. But don't let the quiet fool you: deposit activity in the SDR has been stronger than ever!  In this catch-up post, we draw attention to some of the most exciting items and collections added to the SDR recently. Also keep your eyes open for more Deposit of the Week posts throughout the summer! A number of SUL staffers have been working hard to build digital collections of current work by Stanford students and faculty through the use of the SDR Online Deposit application, and they are going to tell you all about it.

Digital Humanities

ORBIS AtlasORBIS, the "Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World" made quite a splash in the media when it launched 2 years. Now co-creator Meeks has deposited Network Edge and Node Tables from the ORBIS framework for sharing with others to wish to integrate it into their own research projects. Sharing this material via the SDR encourages more historical GIS innovation in digital humanities and related fields. We look forward to seeing more deposits in the SDR's Digital Humanities Collection from Meeks and other digital humanists across Stanford. 

Open Access Articles

open access logoThe Graduate School of Education established the Open Archive in 2008 for providing free public access to peer-reviewed journal articles by GSE faculty and (eventually) students. Led by open access enthusiast and Khosla Family Professor, John Willinsky, the Open Archive collection seems to have been destined for the SDR where the articles can benefit from the Libraries' system for centralized, ongoing preservation and access management for digital collections of faculty publications alongside other holdings of scholarly articles. In May 2014, the contents of the archive -- all 97 titles -- were deposited in the SDR. A wide range of topics are covered: from the role of interfaces for teaching and learning, to the importance of student engagement, to student testing, to the power of mistakes. We're working with John and his team to foster open access across Stanford and to innovate how Stanford faculty and students can promote their work through the SDR. Stay tuned for a future post with more details!

Historic Virtual Worlds

MUD logo Henry Lowood's efforts to collect and preserve virtual worlds and computer games continue to attract exciting and important accessions. The latest addition is the source code for MUD (Multi-User Dungeon), the first online virtual world. Created by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw starting in 1978, this source code builds on SUL's holdings of Bartle's papers acquired a decade ago. The Bartle finding aid hosted on the Online Archive of California provides researchers with a single point of discovery and access to both accessions. Read more about MUD on Henry's blog. 

Special Collections supplementary finding aids

SF punk poster collectionThe manuscripts processing team has come up with a finding aid innovation that leverages SDR Online Deposit. Occasionally our processing archivists generate documents -- item-level listings, indexes, and the like -- for portions of an archival collection. These documents contain key information that doesn't exactly fit neatly in the context of an archival finding aid which typically captures box-level information in EAD format. These documents contain a degree of detail of high value to researchers and can augment discovery and access to archival materials when used in addition to the EAD description. Special Collections is depositing these supplementary descriptions to SDR and linking them to finding aids. The first of these is the Tom Law Collection Of San Francisco Street Posters, 1982-1989, which will be of interest to anyone who enjoyed the post-hippy/alternative/punk music scene in San Francisco! (Remember the I Beam?)

Research Data

We continue to see deposits of scientific research data sets in the Stanford Research Data collection, such as this one, and in particular the Folding@home collection, such as this one. Stanford scientists adopt the SDR to support sharing of their findings, and the DMP Tool and outreach efforts of Data Management Services led by Amy Hodge connect SDR services to those members of the Stanford community that need them.

If you have read this far, clearly you like to read SDR news! Take heart after our quiet spring quarter: summer 2014 will be filled with more on the latest deposits to the SDR!