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Stanford Alumni Legacy Project: Year 2 and counting!

Man with dog posing with cut-out of Leland Stanford Jr. at Reunion Homecoming 2014

Attending Reunion Homecoming this year? Don't forget to bring your Stanford historical materials to the University Archives table in the Ford Center to donate them or have them scanned and returned to you. While you are there, consider taking photographs with the Stanford Family

Last year's program was a tremendous success. Between the range of fantastic student life materials we collected, and the wonderful conversations we had with alumni regarding their experiences on the Farm, Archives staff felt privileged for the opportunity to connect with so many from our extended Stanford community.

The Stanford University Archives' Stanford Alumni Legacy Projectsponsored in part by Stanford Associates, seeks to provide future generations of Stanford students and scholars with access to materials kept and created by alumni of Stanford undergraduate and graduate programs, including correspondence, email, text messages, scrapbooks, photos, audio and video recordings, posters, flyers, and records of student organizations, including digital files. Additional information about the types of materials we collect can be found here

University Archives, Reunion Weekend Scanning Booth, Ford Center, Stanford University, 2014You can donate your materials or lend them to the Archives for selective scanning. Donated materials (including scans) are preserved and made available for teaching, learning, and research. The Archives will also accept digital content, which will be preserved in the Stanford Digital Repository and made available online.

With your permission, portions of your submitted letters, email, and texts may be published in Letters Home ( upcoming collection of Stanford students' correspondence edited by a Stanford alumna and local author in collaboration with the Archives.

You can forward any memorable email messages from your time at Stanford to, and any memorable texts to (415) 952-7241.

You can also leave a brief audio recording detailing a story or memory from your time at Stanford by leaving an audio message on the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project's Stanford Stories line: (415) 952-7241. Please clearly state your full name, Stanford affiliation, class year, and story or memory after the tone. Note that recordings are currently capped at approximately 3 minutes. To share a longer story or memory, please contact the Archives at By leaving a message, you acknowledge that the Archives may share recordings and transcripts in order to support teaching, learning, and research at Stanford.

For more information about the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project, and to submit other types of materials, visit, or email