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Gear Up for Research Day, Monday April 6, 2015

The Science and Engineering Libraries and the Lane Medical Library have teamed up to create an event for graduate students, post-docs, and undergraduate researchers. Gear Up for Research Day on Monday, April 6 will have multiple activities including an information fair, lightning talks, demos, and publisher workshops.

Campus organizations and units attending the event include the Office of Research, Biosciences Grant Writing Academy, ICME C2 Consulting, the Stanford Geospatial Center and the Technical Communication Program.  External participants representing publishers and research tool vendors such as Mendeley, EndNote, JOVE, PeerJ, IEEE, Annual Reviews, Elsevier and Springer will also offer lightning talks and workshops.

 Information sessions: Lightning talks

-Grant funding options

-Effective scientific writing

-Best practices for research data

-GIS tools for your research

-Strategies for presenting scientific data

-Science animation


Publishing workshops: The Lancet, PeerJ, IEEE, Springer

-Open access publishing, maximum research impact

-Best practices for research paper submission

-Find the right journal or editorial contact

-Publishing options with IEEE

Join Us!
Monday, April 6, 2015
Huang Engineering Center
Mackenzie Room, 3rd floor
Noon to 5pm

Refreshments: Coffee, snacks, fruit

For the full schedule of events visit the Gear Up Day Site

Sponsored by
Stanford University Libraries
Lane Medical Library
Vice Provost for Graduate Education