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Key resources for new Engineering graduate students

Books in Terman Library

Welcome to Stanford and the School of Engineering. As you prepare to start your studies, the Engineering library has pulled together some helpful tips for getting started with doing research at Stanford.

The Terman Engineering Library has three Engineering Subject Specialists to answer your questions and help you get what you need for your projects and research. Please feel free to reach out to us.

Helen Josephine – Aeronautics & Astronautics, Electrical Engineering, Management Science and Engineering
Sarah Lester  – Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering
Kathleen Gust – Civil & Environmental Engineering and Materials Science

How to get started

Join us at one of the following events to learn about all we have to offer

New Graduate Student Orientation: Science & Engineering Libraries Presentation

  • Tuesday, Sept. 15, 11:00 AM – Noon
    NVIDIA Auditorium, Terrace Level, Huang Center 

Terman Engineering Library Open House
Meet your librarians and join us for coffee, juice, fruit, and donut bites at the library.

  • 8:30-10:30am Wednesday, Sept. 23
  • 8:30-10:30am Thursday, Sept. 24