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Charlotte Thai, Project Archivist for the Cabrinety Collection

In our final blog post for Preservation Week we’re talking with Charlotte Thai, Project Archivist in Special Collections on the Cabrinety-NIST Project. Digital preservation, a critical concern for modern archives, is supported by the Digital Library Systems and Services department and Special Collections. From born-digital access and preservation to digital reformatting across formats, it takes a small, technically-savvy village to care for our growing digital collections.

For more information about Preservation Week including resources, quick tips, and free webinars visit the American Library Association’s Preservation Week site. 

Geoff Willard, Stanford Media Preservation Lab

For today’s Preservation Week blog post we move away from book and paper preservation to meet Geoff Willard from the Stanford Media Preservation Lab (SMPL). SMPL serves to preserve and enhance access to original sound and moving image collection materials held by Stanford University Libraries.  Operations focus on creating a high-quality copy of the original content in a digital format that is easily accessed by researchers and others, and that enables ongoing, long-term management of the content for future users.

For more information about Preservation Week including resources, quick tips, and free webinars visit the American Library Association’s Preservation Week site. 

David Brock and Aude Gabory are book conservators in Conservation Services.

In today’s Preservation Week blog post we meet two members of our Conservation Services team: David Brock and Aude Gabory.  Conservation Services has a central role in the preservation program through conservation treatment, external exhibit loan preparation, assessments, training, and consultation. From re-sewing a first edition of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species to repairing 18th and 19th century Japanese souvenir maps and 20th century Egyptian movie posters, conservators and technicians combine craft skills and conservation expertise to protect and prolong the useful life of collection materials.

For more information about Preservation Week including resources, quick tips, and free webinars visit the American Library Association’s Preservation Week site

Caleb Cochran and Lucy Castro are Library Specialists in Binding and Finishing.

Our Preservation Week posts continue today with Lucy Castro and Caleb Cochran from the Binding and Finishing unit. Our Binding and Finishing team prepares the general collection print and media materials for shelving, reformatting, and commercial bindery. Their work helps prolong the useful life of our circulating collections.

For more information about Preservation Week including resources, quick tips, and free webinars visit the American Library Association’s Preservation Week site.

Monique Murphy, Operations Manager, Preservation Department

This week, libraries around the country will share preservation tips and stories for the American Library Association’s annual Preservation Week. You can find preservation resources, quick tips, and free webinars on the Preservation Week site covering the spectrum of collection care from textiles to personal digital archives. We will spend this week meeting some of the people that support preservation and conservation activities across Stanford Libraries. Team members from Preservation, Digital Library Systems and Services, and Special Collections have answered five questions about themselves and their work on the long-term care of our books, archives, audio-visual resources, and born-digital files.

[This was originally posted on the blog "Free Government Information"] I thought I'd recount an interesting little research question I had yesterday that took me down a rabbit hole trying to answer. This student was looking for an edition of a 1913 publication called the "Immigration Laws and Rules" (WorldCat helpfully notes the uniform titles of "Laws, etc." and "Immigration Laws"!) but couldn’t find the right one in google books (go figure!).

Question: Are there any official government resources where this information is published? I am looking for a statistic along the lines of "The government spends $___ million on cybersecurity." From what I have seen for biosecurity, for example, many departments have some money set aside for biosecurity, but there isn't one place where one large number is published (unless an outside person consolidates these budgets into a singular dollar amount as some sort of project).

Question: I want to compare the amounts spent by NCAA colleges and universities on their teams and various sports. Where's the best place to look?

Answer: The United States Department of Education maintains a data analysis site called Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Cutting Tool. This allows the user to generate "rapid customized reports for [questions] relating to equity in athletics data."

"The database consists of athletics data that are submitted annually as required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), via a Web-based data collection, by all co-educational postsecondary institutions that receive Title IV funding (i.e., those that participate in federal student aid programs) and that have an intercollegiate athletics program."

Spending on teams and athletic programs can be compared between schools, regions, etc.
