At a glance

Special Collections & University Archives

How to request materials

Special Collections and University Archives materials are stored offsite. Depending on which offsite storage facility the materials are located and when the request is submitted, patrons must request materials at least ONE to TWO full business days before planned use. In some cases, paging may take up to a week. Each patron is allowed to page a maximum of five items per day. Materials do not circulate and may be viewed only in the Special Collections reading room.

Online paging

For some manuscript, archival, and print collections, patron can page materials directly from the collection's bibliographic record in SearchWorks (Stanford's online catalog). Patrons will know which materials are pageable online by the presence of a blue clickable request button located next to a box number. If such an option is present, the material must be ordered online. To do this, simply scroll down through the record until you locate which series and box number you would like to page. 

Finding Aids to many Manuscript and Archives collections are first accessed through OAC; however, we ask that you go to Searchworks in order to request material.  Once in Searchworks, search by Title or Call Number to retrieve the collection's record.  You will see an “At the Library” box in the middle of the catalog record; if there is a blue “request” link, simply press the link and this will prompt you to fill out certain information, but outside researchers do NOT need a Stanford or Library ID – just ignore that field. Once you have filled out the online paging form for the box or boxes you wish to order and hit submit.

A patron can request no more than 5 boxes per day. Patrons must request items at least ONE or TWO full business days before planned use.

In person

To request a catalogued book, a book "In Process," or a manuscript collection or archives collection not pageable via the item's catalog record, patrons must complete a paging slip for each item desired in the Department's reading room.

Paging requests for cataloged books or books, "In Process" should include the following information:

  1. Complete call number including collection name (e.g. PS3515.E54F6 1942 Felton Collection. For In Process items, use the xx(#####) number you find in the Socrates record as your call number)
  2. Author's name (e.g. Hemingway, Ernest)
  3. Title of the work (e.g. For Whom the Bell Tolls), publication year, and volume or issue number needed (if applicable)
  4. Patron's name and contact information
  5. Planned date of use using the following format: mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 06/02/2004)

To page manuscript and archival materials that are not pageable online, please include:

  1. Name of collection (e.g. Hawthorne Family Papers)
  2. Call number of the collection (e.g. M0981 or SC0003)
  3. Series number and name (if appropriate) (e.g. Series 2 : Journals and Verse of Sophia A. Hawthorne
  4. Box number (e.g. Box 1)
  5. Patron's name and contact information
  6. Planned date of use using the following format: mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 06/02/2004)

Materials paged in person or by email before 4:30 p.m. will arrive at the Special Collections reading room by 12 noon the following business day.**If materials can be paged online, patrons must utilize this method rather than sending an email or filling out a paging slip in person**

Via email

To page cataloged books or books "In Process," please send an email request to and include the following information:

  1. Complete call number including collection name (e.g. PS3515.E54F6 1942 Felton Collection. For In Process items, use the xx(#####) number you find in the Socrates record as your call number)
  2. Author's name (e.g. Hemingway, Ernest)
  3. Title of the work (e.g. For Whom the Bell Tolls), publication year, and volume or issue number needed (if applicable)
  4. Patron's name and contact information
  5. Planned date of use using the following format: mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 06/02/2004)

To page manuscript and archival materials that are not pageable online, please include:

  1. Name of collection (e.g. Hawthorne Family Papers)
  2. Call number of the collection (e.g. M0981 or SC 003)
  3. Series number and name (if appropriate) (e.g. Series 2 : Journals and Verse of Sophia A. Hawthorne
  4. Box number (e.g. Box 1)
  5. Patron's name and contact information
  6. Planned date of use using the following format: mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 06/02/2004)

Materials paged in person or by email before 4:30 p.m. will arrive at the Special Collections reading room by 12 noon the following business day.**If materials can be paged online, patrons must utilize this method rather than sending an email or filling out a paging slip in person**


Paging schedule

Request submitted by: Request submitted by Materials available for use
In person using paper page slip 4:30 p.m. 12 noon next business day
Via email for materials not pageable online 4:30 p.m. 12 noon next business day
Online using the online request form 11 a.m. 10 a.m. next business day
  after 11 a.m. 10 a.m. second business day

Winter closure dates for 2015

Special Collections typically closes for two weeks at the end of December. We will post the 2015 dates here when they are known.