Seungki Kim
450 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA #94305
Office: 380H
email: (my first name) AT stanford DOT edu

As of January 2015, I am a 5th-year math Ph.D. student at Stanford University. My adviser is Akshay Venkatesh.

I am offered a postdoctoral position in KIAS (which will also substitute for my mandatory military service) where I will start working from September 2015.

My research interests are: technically, analytic number theory and automorphic forms; thematically, lattice problems --- sphere packing, basis reduction, etc. --- and harmonic weak Maass forms. Pretty soon I plan to start working on translation surfaces as well.

Here's my CV and research statement I used for my recent job applications.

Papers and preprints

- On the distribution of lengths of short vectors in a random lattice [pdf] (submitted)


These are some of the notes I have written for personal purposes. They are not really up to good enough standards to show someone else.
- Estimate of the measure of Siegel sets in SL_n and the average number of LLL bases [pdf]
(Note: I improved the results in this notes; now I have an exact formula for both quantities.)
- Summary of a proof of the Borcherds lift [pdf]