Researchers and leaders from academia, hospitals, government and industry gather for two days at
Stanford Medicine to spark collaborations, address challenges, and identify actionable steps
for using large-scale data analysis and technology to improve human health.

By harnessing the vast datasets of biomedical information now available to us, we envision
a world in which we can prevent disease before it strikes and cure it decisively if it does.

This is the power of Precision Health. To predict, prevent, and cure disease — precisely.

Precision Health is a fundamental shift to more proactive and personalized health care that empowers people to lead healthy lives. It is in this spirit of possibility and promise that Stanford Medicine will be hosting the sixth year of this conference, bringing together international researchers and leaders from academia, health care, government, and industry to develop actionable steps for improving human health.

Predict. Prevent. Cure. Precisely.


See the incredible presenters who spoke at the 2017 Big Data in Biomedicine: Transforming Lives through Precision Health conference.


Plan your trip to the 2018 Big Data in Precision Health Conference hosted by Stanford Medicine.

Past Conferences

Explore presentations, interviews
and more from past Big Data
in Biomedicine conferences.

Questions about the conference. Send us a message.