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International Travel Policy

Last updated: April 2015; policy still valid and in effect.

To:        Deans, Chairs and Directors
From:    John Etchemendy, Provost
Subject: International Travel Policy

Dear Colleagues,

This memo outlines a revision to our policy concerning travel outside the country.

With respect to individual faculty, staff and graduate student travelers, Stanford University strongly recommends against, but does not prohibit, travel to countries where the U.S. Department of State has issued an official Travel Warning (a Travel Warning is distinct from a State Department issued Public Announcement), or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks. The final decision about making a trip to such a country is up to the individual making the trip, however the University reserves the right to require the execution of an appropriate release or waiver before permitting such travel.

When it comes to undergraduate students, Stanford-sponsored or Stanford-organized trips are prohibited to countries where a State Department Travel Warning has been issued or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks. No university funds or resources can be used, or university sponsorship provided, in support of travel to these locations.

There are also certain countries with governmental travel restrictions and we expect our faculty, students and staff to comply with those restrictions while traveling on university business. Travel that includes the shipment or hand-carry of certain Stanford property may be subject to US comprehensive embargoes and may require a Treasury or Commerce export license. It is Stanford policy that travel to Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Sudan and North Korea requires Export Control Officer review and approval before travel.  UNDERGRADUATE TRAVEL TO THESE COUNTRIES IS PROHIBITED.

Travelers should be aware that the U.S. has strict criminal laws governing interactions with foreign government officials, including customs, immigration and law enforcement officials.  For more information travelers are encouraged to consult Stanford’s anti-bribery policy, and the Transparency International website, which contains country specific information about corruption risks.

For further information about U.S. Department of State travel advisories, please consult the Department of State web site.

In addition to consulting the State Department website for official Travel Warnings, travelers should check the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) websites for up-to-date health alerts in connection with international travel. For example, in the wake of concerns about global health conditions (e.g.pandemic flu) university travelers are urged to consult the CDC website on pandemic flu where comprehensive information compiled by the United States government is contained.

For additional information about international travel, please consult these offices: