Michael E. Moseley

Associate Professor of Radiology

office: PS059, Lucas Center
phone: 650-725-6077
fax: 650-723-5795
email: moseley@stanford.edu
links: presentations | tensorcalc

Dr. Moseley has been a member of the Radiological Sciences Laboratory in the Lucas Center at Stanford University for the last ten years. He has established a productive research program built around an active network of neuroscience collaborations within the Department of Radiology and Stanford University. This has resulted in several on going clinically oriented NIH grants, collaborator on major center grants, and numerous sponsored projects. He serves on four editorial boards and is active in guiding MR societies, becoming a Fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. More recently, he is the incoming President of the ISMRM, and has been awarded the ISMRM Gold Medal for Research in 2000. Trained at UCSF from 1982-1993, Dr. Moseley earned his doctorate from Uppsala University in the field of biophysical NMR. Dr. Moseley's primary current research interests have centered on developing MR methods to detect the earliest effects of experimental and clinical cerebral ischemia. His efforts have resulted in novel high-speed MR imaging techniques to image and measure water proton diffusion and contrast-enhanced tissue blood perfusion. The development of these MR tools has introduced the use of neuroimaging in clinical acute stroke. His work has also included imaging the integrity of cerebral white matter through mapping of the amount and direction of ordered proton water diffusion. This novel means of assessing white matter structure and orientation yields unique information on white matter maturation as well as demyelination effects and offers a non-invasive measure of white matter connectivity.

Representative Publications

Kastrup A, Li T-Q, Glover G, Moseley M. Regional variability of cerebral blood oxygenation response to hypercapnia. Neuroimage. 1999 Dec;10(6):675-81.

Li T-Q, Takahashi A, Hindmarsh T, Moseley M. ADC Mapping by Means of a Single-Shot Spiral MRI Technique with Application in Acute Cerebral Ischemia. Magn Reson Medicine, 41:143-148, 1999.

Kastrup A, Li T-Q, Takahashi A, Moseley M. Gender differences in cerebral blood flow and oxygenation response during focal physiologic neural activity. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1999 Oct;19(10):1066-71.

Li T-Q, Kastrup A, Takahashi A, Moseley M. A FAIR study of motor cortex activation under normo- and hypercapnia induced by breath challenge. Neuroimage. 1999 Nov;10(5):562-9.

Lim KO, Hedehus M, Moseley ME, de Crespigny AJ, Sullivan EV, Pfefferbaum A. Compromised White Matter Tract Integrity Inferred from Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 56: 367-374, 1999.

Klingberg T, Hedehus M, Moseley ME, Poldrack RA, Gabrieli J. Myelination and organization of the frontal white matter in children: a diffusion tensor MRI study. Neuroreport. 1999 Sep 9;10(13):2817-21.

Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV, Hedehus M, Moseley ME, Lim KO. Brain Gray and White Matter Transverse Relaxation Time in Schizophrenia. 1999 Psychiatry Res., 91(2):93-100.

Klingberg T, Hedehus M, Temple E, Salz T, Gabrieli JD, Moseley ME, Poldrack RA. Reading Ability is Correlated with Myelination of Axons in the Left Temporo-parietal Lobe: Evidence from Diffusion Weighted MRI. Neuron February 2000 (25) 493-500.

Kastrup A, Neumann-Haefelin T, Moseley ME, de Crespigny A. High speed diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of ischemia and spontaneous periinfarct spreading depression after thromboembolic stroke in the rat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2000 Dec;20(12):1636-47.

Tong DC, Adami A, Moseley ME, Marks MP.Relationship between apparent diffusion coefficient and subsequent hemorrhagic transformation following acute ischemic stroke. Stroke 2000 Oct;31(10):2378-84.

Thijs VN, Lansberg MG, Beaulieu C, Marks MP, Moseley ME, Albers GW. Is early ischemic lesion volume on diffusion-weighted imaging an independent predictor of stroke Outcome?: A multivariable analysis. Stroke 2000 Nov;31(11):2597-602.

Yenari MA, Onley D, Hedehus M, deCrespigny A, Sun GH, Moseley ME, Steinberg GK. Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of focal cerebral ischemia and cortical spreading depression under conditions of mild hypothermia. Brain Res. 2000 Dec 8;885(2):208-19.

Li TQ, Guang Chen Z, Ostergaard L, Hindmarsh T, Moseley ME. Quantification of cerebral blood flow by bolus tracking and artery spin tagging methods. Magn Reson Imaging. 2000 Jun;18(5):503-12.

Albers GW, Lansberg MG, Norbash AM, Tong DC, O'Brien MW, Woolfenden AR, Marks MP, Moseley ME. Yield of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Detection of Potentially Relevant Findings in Stroke Patients. Neurology 2000 Apr 25; 54(8): 1562-7.

Skare S, Hedehus M, Moseley ME, Li TQ. Condition number as a measure of noise performance of diffusion tensor data acquisition schemes with MRI. J Magn Reson. 2000 Dec;147(2):340-52.

Li TQ, Haefelin TN, Chan B, Kastrup A, Jonsson T, Glover GH, Moseley ME. Assessment of hemodynamic response during focal neural activity in human using bolus tracking, arterial spin labeling and BOLD techniques. Neuroimage. 2000 Oct;12(4):442-51.

Lansberg MG, Norbash AM, Marks MP, Tong DC, Moseley ME, Albers GW. Advantages of adding diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to conventional magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating acute stroke. Arch Neurol. 2000 Sep;57(9):1311-6.

de Crespigny AJ, Rother J, Beaulieu C, Neumann-Haefelin T, Moseley ME. Comparison of diffusion, blood oxygenation, and blood volume changes during global ischemia in rats. Magn Reson Med 2001 Jan;45(1)10-6.

Tong DC, Adami A, Moseley ME, Marks MP. Prediction of hemorrhagic transformation following acute stroke: role of diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Arch Neurol. 2001 Apr;58(4):587-93.

Kastrup A, Kruger G, Neumann-Haefelin T, Moseley ME. Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity with functional magnetic resonance imaging: comparison of CO(2) and breath holding. Magn Reson Imaging. 2001 Jan;19(1):13-20.

Lansberg MG, O'Brien MW, Tong DC, Moseley ME, Albers GW. Evolution of cerebral infarct volume assessed by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Arch Neurol. 2001 Apr;58(4):613-7.

Thijs VN, Adami A, Neumann-Haefelin T, Moseley ME, Marks MP, Albers GW. Relationship between severity of MR perfusion deficit and DWI lesion evolution. Neurology. 2001 Oct 9;57(7):1205-11.

Clark CA, Hedehus M, Moseley ME. Diffusion time dependence of the apparent diffusion tensor in healthy human brain and white matter disease. Magn Reson Med. 2001 Jun;45(6):1126-9.

Hunsche S, Moseley ME, Stoeter P, Hedehus M. Diffusion-Tensor MR Imaging at 1.5 and 3.0 T: Initial Observations. Radiology. 2001 Nov; 221(2):550-6.

Lyons DM, Yang C, Sawyer-Glover AM, Moseley ME, Schatzberg AF. Early Life Stress and Inherited Variation in Monkey Hippocampal Volumes. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001 Dec; 58(12):1145-51.

Kastrup A, Kruger G, Neumann-Haefelin T, Glover GH, Moseley ME. Changes of Cerebreal Blood Flow, Oxygenation, and Oxidative Metabolism during Graded Motor Activation. Neuroimage, 2002 Jan;15(1):74-82.

Thijs VN, Adami, A, Neumann-Haefelin T, Moseley ME, Marks MP, Albers GW. Clinical and Radiological Correlates of Reduced CBF Measured Using MRI. Arch Neurol. 2002 Feb; 59 (2):233-8.