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SEED's 2013 Inaugural Class - West Africa


Transforming Lives

SEED bridges a critical gap in global efforts to address prosperity around the world. While our approach may differ, our goals align with those who focus on the private sector as the engine for sustainable growth. 

The scope of SEED's work is global—however, to best leverage Stanford's resources and culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, we focus on geographies that hold the greatest potential for immediate and massive impact, including sub-Saharan Africa,  Latin America, and South Asia.

Integration of Knowledge with Direct Action on the Ground

SEED aims to transform the lives of people in poverty on a massive scale through entrepreneurship and innovation—and the growth and scaling of businesses.

Impact through Regional Innovation Centers

SEED's ambitious goals are driven by regional innovation centers whose purpose is to stimulate economic opportunities—including job creation.  Targeting local and regional businesses with high growth potential, centers offer management training, networking opportunities with investors, conferences, events, and, most uniquely, continuous coaching by accomplished business experts.