Spectrum Child Health

Research Courses

Intensive Course in Clinical Research (ICCR): Study Design and Performance

September 8-12, 2014

Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge | 291 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA



Spectrum Center for Innovative Study Design; Child Health; Office of Compliance, Training and Operations; Research Education and Training are delighted to host the 7th Bi-annual, 5th Child Health focused Intensive Course in Clinical Research - Study Design and Performance, funded by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, the Children's Health Initiative, and the Pediatric Research Fund. Intended for pediatric faculty and fellows who are headed for academic careers in clinical and translational research, this week-long “immersion” experience was based on a very successful model used by Phil Lavori at the VA and piloted here at Stanford in 2006.

"Last fall I had the opportunity to participate in the ICCR course offered by CHRP/HRP and SPCTRM. The course is unique in the medical school and offers much needed training in the conduct of clinical research as well as the opportunity to meet and interact with multiple potential mentors. I have been here at Stanford for a number of years, and often experienced clinical research as an arduous task due to the difficulty in identifying individuals to help bridge knowledge and experience gaps. ICCR aims to help provide that bridge, by pointing out potential pitfalls in the conduct of clinical research, and by identifying go-to people for those inevitable quagmires, with lectures in clinical research methods, biostatistics, interventions and endpoints, and others. Most helpful for me was the process of working on one proposal in detail over the five day course and shaping it into a tight, realistic study. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this valuable course, and I look forward to joining the group again as an assistant tutor."

Dr. Brenda Golianu, ICCR 2007 Participant
Assistant Professor, Anesthesia and Pain Management

"ICCR has proved to be an invaluable part of my research training at Stanford. Not only were we exposed to senior faculty with extensive experience and success in research, but also to truly remarkable colleagues doing important research in child health. The retreat like setting (and food!) provided a rare, clinical-responsibility-free opportunity to really focus on research methods and develop a research project. The collaborative, team approach also helped set the stage for some possible future collaborations. Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of it!"

Dr. Arash Anoshiravani, ICCR 2006 Participant, ICCR 2007 Mentor
Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics - General Peds

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