Recipients of these awards are honored for high achievements in teaching, advising, professional activities, and other services to the University.

Nominations are now closed for the 2014-2015 year.   Questions may be sent to Laura Remillard: .

See the University Awards Nomination page for more details, including deadline information.

The University makes the following awards annually at Commencement:

The Walter J. Gores Faculty Awards for Excellence in Teaching

The Gores Award is the University’s highest award for excellence in teaching. Gores Awards are made each year to faculty and teaching staff members who have made special contributions to teaching in its broadest sense: lecturing, tutoring, advising, and discussion leading. Ordinarily, one award will be made to a senior faculty member or senior lecturer, one to a junior faculty member, and two to teaching assistants.

The Dinkelspiel Awards for Exceptional Contributions to Undergraduate Education

At least two Dinkelspiel Awards will be given to faculty or staff, one with 10 or more years of service to the University and one with fewer than 10 years of service, for their distinctive and exceptional contributions to undergraduate education or the quality of student life at Stanford. Two awards will also be given to graduating seniors in the current academic year's class who have combined praiseworthy academic achievement with significant contributions to undergraduate student life.

The Kenneth M. Cuthbertson Award for Exceptional Contributions to Stanford

The purpose of this award, which is open to all members of the Stanford community, is to recognize extraordinary contributions to the achievement of the goals of the University. Such contributions might be, for example, unusually distinguished service to the University, uncommon ingenuity in meeting University objectives, or exceptional intelligence, diligence, and sensitivity in discharging responsibilities.

The Allan Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence in Fostering Research (Sponsored by Undergraduate Advising and Research)

The Cox Medal is awarded annually to a faculty member from any school in the University who has established a record of excellence directing undergraduate research for a number of years. It may go to a faculty member who has done an especially outstanding job with just one or two undergraduates whose work is unusually superior. For information, procedures, and to see a list of winners, go to UAR's Cox Medal web site.

Letters of nomination for the Cox Medal should be sent to Undergraduate Advising and Research, 124C Sweet Hall, MC 3085, or emailed to

The President's Awards for Excellence through Diversity

These awards honor individuals and programs that have made exceptional contributions to enhancing and supporting diversity (broadly defined) within the Stanford University community. The awards are intended to recognize that a diverse campus community enhances our institutional excellence by broadening and strengthening the university’s mission of teaching, learning and scholarship.

For more information on nominations, procedures and past winners, please go to the President's Awards for Excellence Through Diversity website. Awards will be presented in Autumn.