By augmenting course curriculum with experts and experiences, TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy’s energyCatalyst Grants aim to cultivate interdisciplinary thinking and introduce sustainable energy concepts and opportunities to Stanford students. TomKat energyCatalyst Grants can be used to subsidize class trips; guest lecturers in a class; and materials for course projects or demonstrations. Examples of successful grant applications might include taking a class on an industry or site tour; inviting an industry expert or guest researcher to give a lecture to a class; or purchasing materials for demonstrating, prototyping or testing technology for a course project. Funding is limited to one grant per course per quarter.
WHO: These grants are available to faculty and academic staff members for undergraduate and graduate courses in any department or school.
WHEN: We encourage applicants to submit sustainable energy related funding requests during the quarter prior to the relevant course. However, requests can be made at any time during the year.
Funds are limited; apply early.