UHR Newsroom

Featured News

June 15, 2015

Two Stanford engineering students, Mersina Simanski, ’15, and Tyler Haydell, ’15, have collaborated with School of Medicine faculty and Palo Alto VA Hospital staff to create a mobile app that gives activity recommendations to informal caregivers of loved ones with dementia.

June 12, 2015

Stanford's Center on Longevity held an annual global design challenge that encourages students to design products and services to improve the lives of older adults.

June 11, 2015

The Stanford Historical Society (SHS) is a great way for retirees to stay involved with Stanford in a meaningful way.

June 3, 2015

Stanford's redesigned orientation is a daylong program created to welcome new employees to the university on their first day at work. 

May 26, 2015

Before you map out your summer travel plans, be sure to look into the various travel resources Stanford has to offer.

Category: Sweeteners

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