
Cizek, Nick

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Cizek, Nick


Dissertation Title: Interplay of Attractive Interactions and Trap Anisotropy in Bose-Einstein Condensates

Currently: Fellow, ARPA-E


ARPA-E is a new agency within the Dept. of Energy launched by Secretary Chu. The Fellows are intended to form an internal think tank within ARPA-E. My initial projects are (1) investigating the potential for new technologies to reduce the amount of freshwater needed to produce electricity and fuel and to reduce the amount of electricity and fuel needed to produce freshwater, and (2) investigating the potential design and applications of novel heat storage systems.

ARPA-E is currently seeking to hire more Fellows and Senior Fellows: Ph.D.s, post-docs, and professors who are both top-notch scientists and engineers and who are committed to reinventing the way we source and use energy in this country and in the world. If this describes you, please email me!

I completed my Ph.D. and M.A. in Professor Mark Kasevich’s atomic interferometry group in 2010, where I studied energy transfer in ultracold atomic 7Li Bose-Einstein Condensates and its precision sensing applications. I have a B.A. in Physics from the University of Colorado in Boulder, where I completed an undergraduate honors thesis in Professor Carl Wieman’s ultracold atom physics group.

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