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Stanford University Background Checks

Background Check FAQs


Stanford's goal is to hire the best talent. And it is the policy of the University to promote a safe and secure environment for all members of the University community and its property.

To that end, new staff hires must pass a background check prior to starting work at Stanford University.

What is a background check?

A background check provides independent verification of information about a job finalist before the offer to hire is final. The background check always includes a criminal court record search, and may also include independent verification of education and employment credentials that were used in evaluating and selecting the candidate.

Are there any positions which are not included in Stanford's background checks program?

Yes. Excluded from background checks at the present time:

  1. Faculty, and specific similar roles as stated below:
    1. Professoriate, including Emeriti and PAVAHC (Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital and Clinics)
    2. Hoover Senior Fellows, Center Fellows, Senior Fellows
    3. “Visiting” appointments: Assistant, Associate, and full Professors.
    4. “Acting” appointments that have been identified as “professor-to-be” roles :  Assistant, Associate, and full Professors
    5. Clinician Educators, who are screened by the Stanford Hospitals
    6. By request from the Dean, appointments that recur less frequently than once per year or appointments from corporate, medical, or other business sectors who are not primarily employees of Stanford University.
      1. Having once successfully passed a background check, it is not necessary for an individual to repeat the background check upon each subsequent re-appointment.
      2. Waiver of a background check must be communicated in writing via email to University HR’s Background Check team by the Dean’s Office.
      3. The Dean will be responsible and accountable for approved exceptions
  2. Minors, i.e. persons under the age of 18
  3. High school students hired specifically into job code 9153: “High School Student”
  4. Stanford students, undergraduate or graduate, during their years of study at Stanford.  This exclusion extends to one quarter before matriculation, to any summer quarters during the course of study, and to one quarter after graduation in temporary, causal or student positions. This exclusion also extends to any period after completing graduation requirements but prior to the graduation ceremony, or to an approved academic leave of absence, until it is determined that the student will not return to student status and has transitioned to become an employee of Stanford.
  5. Stanford postdocs, during their active appointment at Stanford. Lecturing within one’s postdoctoral area of expertise is considered a normal part of the postdoc role, and not subject to a background check.  If the nature of the work performed, or a change in research funding, causes a change from postdoc status to employee status, then a background check is required.
  6. Non-employee affiliates, volunteers, or any other position that is formally established to be an unpaid position.
  7. Rehires, when the former Stanford employee has had a break in service of one year or less, or within the service bridging period due to a layoff.
  8. Agency Temps: A temporary employee supplied by a temp agency is an employee of the agency, not of Stanford. When an agency supplies you with a temporary worker, that person must undergo the agency’s background check. When you hire an agency temp into a Stanford-paid position, a Stanford background check is required.

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Working with Minors

When any Stanford employee or applicant will be working with minors, that person must pass a background check prior to beginning the assignment.  This policy expands background checks to populations not otherwise covered.

  • This policy governs all positions in which the incumbent or applicant will be working directly with, supervising, chaperoning or otherwise overseeing minors, such as internships, seasonal athletic or academic camps, clinics, or other programs.
  • This policy governs all categories of Stanford employees and students who work with minors. Faculty, current/recent Stanford employees, Stanford students, Stanford postdocs, high school students, and other minors all must pass a background check if they are working with minors in a program sponsored by Stanford.
  • Each program sponsor shall use the appropriate background check method(s) for the applicable employee population:
    • HireRight is required for the initial hiring decision when the candidate cannot be physically present at the Stanford program site to complete Live Scan fingerprinting in advance; for example, those who are relocating to take the position at Stanford
    • Live Scan is required upon arrival for positions that will work with minors on an ongoing basis.

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How should I initiate a background check?

Every school or unit at Stanford has an online account with HireRight, our vendor for background checks. Your local HR team or Faculty Affairs Office will initiate a background check upon request. They will require the following information:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Candidate’s email address
  • Type of background check
  • Job requisition number
  • Resume and Stanford employment application or Stanford consent form

For HRM, HRA or FAO training on the HireRight order entry process, contact

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Which type of background check should I choose?

Temp/Casual New Hires: a Basic background check must be initiated for all temp/casual new hires (on to the Stanford payroll) who have not been employed by Stanford University in the past one year.

Benefits-Eligible New Hires, or Rehires more than one year since last Stanford employment:see the Stanford University Background Checks policy document (linked at right) for more detailed information. The Basic background check is the minimum requirement.

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What information is verified?

  • Basic Background Check:
    • Social Security number trace for 7 years of residence history
    • Court record searches for felony and misdemeanor convictions or pending cases in counties of residence
    • National criminal database search
    • State and national sex offender registry searches
  • Basic + Education Background Check:
    • All parts of a Basic background check, plus the highest degree (or education level) completed
  • Standard Background Check:
    • All parts of a Basic background check, plus the highest level of education completed and the most recent employment.
  • Additional options you may order through the Background Checks team:
    • Motor Vehicle Report for positions that require driving Stanford vehicles regularly
    • Professional and trade license and certificate verifications
    • Credit report for executive positions with signing authority or cash-handling responsibilities
    • International background checks

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How long will it take?

  • A Basic background check takes 2-3 business days on average
  • A Basic + Education background check takes 3-5 business days
  • A Standard background check takes 3-5 business days
  • International background checks may take 10 business days

What is different about an international background check?

  • We must abide by the employment and data privacy laws of each country of record
  • Many countries’ laws strictly protect job applicants’ privacy rights
  • Additional applicant consent form(s) may be required
  • The time needed to complete the components varies by country, but generally it takes longer than in the U.S.
    • 5-7 business days for a criminal history search
    • 5-7 business days to verify the highest degree earned
    • 5-7 business days to verify current (or last) employer

Hiring managers should allow a minimum of two (2) weeks to screen a final candidate who has non-U.S. education, work experience or residence history on their resume and job application.

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What if the background check finds a problem?

  • HireRight does all of the verification work. The HireRight result will be one of the following:
    • Meets Company Standards
    • Pending
  • Local HR or FAO receives the summarized results and reports back to the requestor
  • Employee & Labor Relations (E&LR) becomes involved when there is any finding that requires review
  •  "Pending" situations will be reviewed by E&LR with local HR/FAO and the hiring manager
    • Did the applicant disclose a crime on the employment application or consent form?
    • Does the applicant need to explain any date, degree or job title discrepancies?
    • E&LR reviews any criminal finding for relevance to the position, time elapsed and circumstances
  • Candidate can dispute a factual error through HireRight
  • Final outcome will be: “Meets Company Standards” or “Does Not Meet Company Standards”

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Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

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