Update: New Training for OBI

Thursday January 15, 2015

New online training now will be available in February to support the rollout of OBI Expense Requests and SU Credit Card Activity predefined reports.

This new dashboard is part of the program to evolve financial reporting at Stanford. The program's reporting platform, Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI), provides powerful capabilities in an easy-to-use interface. The first release of OBI for financial reporting was Payroll and Labor Management reports.

The release of the Expense Requests and SU Credit Card Activity dashboard is aligned with the upcoming release on Feb. 9 of the new Expense Requests system, which replaces iOU. The simultaneous OBI delivery will provide Expense Request Transaction Detail reports (e.g., expense reports, Stanford Travel Card transactions, advances, petty cash replenishments, and non-purchase order payment requests) as well as Stanford Purchasing Card transaction detail reports.

Access to the new dashboard will be granted to those with a history of using iOU and Pcard reports in ReportMart 3. Going forward, authority granters will be identified in individual departments.

We will notify you when new training is available for enrollment. Monitor Fingate News for ongoing information about the new dashboard, as well as other important updates about financial activities at Stanford.


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