Center for History of Physics - Niels Bohr Library
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AIP's Center for History of Physics works to preserve and make known the historical record of modern physics and allied sciences. Through documentation, archival collections and educational initiatives, the Center ensures that the heritage of modern physics is safeguarded and its story accurately told.

August, 2009 — The Niels Bohr Library & Archives' vast collection of oral history transcripts are being made available on the Web.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

Research collections in the history of modern physics, astronomy, and geophysics

Emilio Segre visual archivesEmilio Segrè Visual Archives

More than 25,000 photographs and visual materials showing the human face of science
Catalog Index, Photo Index

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The History Center welcomes a new director, a mystery photo is explained, the "Array of Contemporary American Physicists" Web project and much more.

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