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Global Experiences

How can you change the world if you don’t understand it? Participating in a Global Experience is a requirement — and a highlight — of the Stanford MBA Program.

Global Experience Requirement (GER)

Broaden your understanding of the complexities of global management with the GER. To fulfill this graduation requirement, you will participate in one of the Global Experiences programs, each of which draws upon the MBA education in a structured and intellectually rigorous way.

Global Experiences

Gain a rich perspective of global management issues, and experience life-changing insights, as you take part in these exciting global opportunities.

Global Management Immersion Experience (GMIX)

Gain hands-on global management experience by living and working in another country. You’ll spend at least four weeks in the summer working on projects for a sponsoring organization in an industry such as consumer products, international development, energy, finance, healthcare, media and entertainment, technology, and telecommunications. Or, you can source your own GMIX to create an individualized, targeted experience.

GMIX is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, working environment, or industry.

Global Study Trips

Develop a meaningful, on-the-ground perspective of the business, political, and social climates within a country during a Global Study Trip. Prior to the trip, you’ll hear from and host speakers on topics such as macroeconomic policy or political history and facilitate discussions on history, culture, and business etiquette.

You’ll travel with about 30 classmates and a faculty advisor and have unprecedented access to business, government, and nonprofit leaders with whom you’ll explore the complexities of global management.

When you return home, you’ll share your experiences and key takeaways with the Stanford GSB community.

Social Innovation Study Trips

Get to know another country, it’s people, and organizations through the lens of a social or environmental theme (such as education, healthcare, climate change, or economic development). During a Social Innovation Study Trip, you’ll see the impact of social and environmental issues on the people most affected by them.

You will travel with 22 classmates as you integrate into your learning the perspectives of thought leaders from for-profit, government, philanthropic, and nonprofit organizations. Conduct a meaningful, short-term project with one of your in-country hosts that furthers their mission and your team’s learning goals.

After the trip, you can dig deeper into trip topics with a faculty-guided independent study project or project funding and travel support from the Center for Social Innovation.

Stanford-Tsinghua Exchange Program (STEP)

This exchange program between Stanford GSB and Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management will help you develop a deeper understanding of doing business in China as well as China’s role in the global economy.

During STEP, you’ll collaborate with MBA students from Tsinghua on academic projects of mutual interest. You’ll also spend nine days in Beijing participating in a variety of academic, business, and cultural activities. Then, you’ll host Tsinghua students when they visit Stanford GSB for a reciprocal experience.

Last Updated 9 Jan 2014