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Icon welcomes individuals and organisations from all backgrounds who identify with the conservation and preservation of our cultural heritage.  Our membership embraces the entire conservation community as well as members of the public who are keen to learn more or show their support for conservation work.

Welcome to the website of Icon, the lead voice for the conservation of cultural heritage in the UK. Icon's membership embraces the wider conservation community, incorporating not only professional conservators in all disciplines, but all others who share a commitment to improving understanding of and access to our cultural heritage.
Internships - applications close  
Applications have now closed for the 8 Icon internships due to start this September, including  last year's intake of the HLF scheme. All candidates will be contacted in due course; if selected for interview we will let you know within 4 weeks.
New Chief Executive for Icon
The Board is very pleased to welcome Jessica Wanamaker as our new Chief Executive of Icon.

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Last chance to see the Herkenrode Glass in Lichfield Cathedral

lichfield_0021.jpgAt the end of July the glorious East End of Lichfield Cathedral will be boarded up in preparation for the removal of the internationally importantsixteenth century Herkenrode glass to renovation workshops, and the restoration of masonry which surrounds and supports it. The medieval pinnacles and buttresses are so weathered that the failure of any one buttress could lead to a catastrophic collapse of the wall and roof and the shattering of the glass.

9th Indoor Air Quality Conference
iaq2.jpgAbstract submission and registration period is now open for the 9th Indoor Air Quality meeting (IAQ2010), which will be held in Chalon-sur-Saône (Burgundy, France) from the 21th to the 23rd of April 2010 is now open.The deadline for submitting an abstract is November 15th.All information on IAQ2010 is available on their website
The Clothworkers' Foundation - Travel Bursaries
Awards of up to £1,000 to help qualified conservators to attend events directly relevant to their discipline.Bursaries will be awarded throughout the year, subject to availability of funding.Please visit their website for further details.
First Clare Hampson Scholarship Awarded

dafni002.jpg The first Clare Hampson Scholarship has been awarded to Dafni Kyropoulou, a recent MSc graduate of Cardiff University.The Award will enable Dafni to complete a research project she initiated for her thesis on the effect of dust ingress into library books. Caroline Checkley-Scott - Chair of Icon Book and Paper Group - made the announcement at the Group’s AGM on 11th March. Caroline said, ‘making this award gives us the opportunity to celebrate the life and memory of Clare Hampson and the huge contribution that she made and continues to make to our profession- read more on the Book and Paper Group web pages; there will also be an interview with Dafni in May's Icon News.

Archive Collapse Disaster
koln.jpgThe collapse of the Historical Archive of Cologne on 3rd March buried more than a millennium's worth of documents under tons of rubble. Archivists conservators and historians hope something can be salvaged, but the future of the city's past is grim. Disaster struck in Cologne on Tuesday, last week,as the building housing the city's Historical Archive suddenly collapsed.
Science & Heritage Programme Grants
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) are taking forward a joint £8.1m programme entitled Science and Heritage to support leading-edge research which will explore new ways to understand the cultural and physical nature of heritage and prepare society for the challenges that cultural heritage will face in the 21st Century. The AHRC / EPSRC Science and Heritage Programme announces two competitions for funding, full details of which will be published soon: Interdisciplinary Research Grants and Post-doctoral Fellowships. Further details on other activities under the Science and Heritage Programme, and the research already funded, can be found at:

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