

What's new


New N-IUSSP Article: 
Deaths exceed births in most of Europe, but not in the United States, and not in Texas
By Dudley J. Jr. Poston, Kenneth M. Johnson, Layton Field


2016 IUSSP Laureate. Ron Lee

The Laureate award ceremony will take place on March 30th at 6pm, at the 2016 PAA Annual Meeting, Washington DC, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park, room Madison AB. 


PAA 2016 Side Meeting:

Workshop on Social Media and Demographic Methods

Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016; 1:30-5:30pm

Call for contributions: 
Workshop on Social Media and Demographic Research: Applications and Implications, Cologne, Germany, 17 May 2016.

Deadline for submissions: 18 March 2016

Call for papers:

IUSSP Seminar on Linking Past to Present. Long-term perspectives on micro-level demographic processes.

Kashiwa, Japan, 9-11 December 2016

Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2016

IUSSP Bulletin: Issue 30  - December 2015


Call for 2021 IPC host country candidates

The IUSSP invites national population associations to consider hosting the 29th International Population Conference in 2021.

Read also our tips for IPC 2021 host country bids.


Members' new publications:

Trajectoires et origines. Enquête sur la diversité des populations en France, edited by Cris Beauchemin, Christelle Hamel, et Patrick Simon



Data Revolution

Africa Data Consensus. Final Version adopted by the High Level Conference on Data Revolution, 8th AU-ECA Conference of Ministers, 29 March 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

SDSN/IUSSP Report: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Development -Issues in the design and monitoring of SDG indicators

Report: Monitoring demographic indicators for the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


IUSSP Statement:  Defining and successfully accomplishing the Data Revolution – The perspective of Demographers

IUSSP members are invited to read and comment on recommendations sent to the UN Secretary General's Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.


 Distance Training 


Tools for Demographic Estimation 

This site represents the major output arising from a joint IUSSP and UNFPA project to produce a single volume containing updated tools for demographic estimation from limited, deficient and defective data


Population Analysis for Policies & Programmes 

This course introduces users to the methods used by demographers to analyse population data, and the sources of this data and the methods used to collect this data. Throughout the course, students are introduced to the types of issues of interest to demographers through real examples. Included are sessions that introduce broad areas of research through discussion of both global and national trends and sessions that show how demographic methods may be used in researching a range of areas, such as reproductive health, morbidity and health profiles, and the effects of ageing on a population.
