Db Count Description
Books books and reports
MeSH ontology used for PubMed indexing
NLM Catalog books, journals and more in the NLM Collections
PubMed scientific & medical abstracts/citations
PubMed Central full-text journal articles
Db Count Description
EST expressed sequence tag sequences
Gene collected information about gene loci
GEO DataSets functional genomics studies
GEO Profiles gene expression and molecular abundance profiles
HomoloGene homologous gene sets for selected organisms
PopSet sequence sets from phylogenetic and population studies
UniGene clusters of expressed transcripts
Db Count Description
ClinVar human variations of clinical significance
dbGaP genotype/phenotype interaction studies
GTR genetic testing registry
MedGen medical genetics literature and links
OMIM online mendelian inheritance in man
PubMed Health clinical effectiveness, disease and drug reports
Db Count Description
Conserved Domains conserved protein domains
Protein protein sequences
Protein Clusters sequence similarity-based protein clusters
Structure experimentally-determined biomolecular structures
Db Count Description
Assembly genome assembly information
BioProject biological projects providing data to NCBI
BioSample descriptions of biological source materials
Clone genomic and cDNA clones
dbVar genome structural variation studies
Epigenomics epigenomic studies and display tools
Genome genome sequencing projects by organism
GSS genome survey sequences
Nucleotide DNA and RNA sequences
Probe sequence-based probes and primers
SNP short genetic variations
SRA high-throughput DNA and RNA sequence read archive
Taxonomy taxonomic classification and nomenclature catalog
Db Count Description
BioSystems molecular pathways with links to genes, proteins and chemicals
PubChem BioAssay bioactivity screening studies
PubChem Compound chemical information with structures, information and links
PubChem Substance deposited substance and chemical information
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